Whether you like to rock the metrosexual tag or not, that you need cosmetics and grooming products, just like women, is a given. Your face is as vulnerable to the effects of environment; you too have the so-called bad hair days. So there…
To begin, identify your grooming needs – no, the reference is not to your shaving needs alone. Take help from a friend or do a quick online search to learn about your skin type and the products that are right for you.
Let’s begin from your scalp. Use a shampoo and a conditioner that is right for your hair. Remember, hair loss is a common problem in this part of the world and needs to be addressed at the earliest. If you are faced with receding hairline or thinning scalp, you might want to consult a dermatologist to halt the hair fall. Avoid combing wet hair and adding to your woes.
Moisturizer is a must to keep your skin hydrated, especially after using those aftershaves and colognes. Ideally, your face requires to be moisturized at least twice a day – opt for a moisturizer that contains sun block formula.

Like women in your household, you too need a face scrub to exfoliate the dead skin. If not a scrub, pick a mild face wash. Refrain from using soap on your face. Even though your skin feels rough to the touch, owing to the constant shaving, your face is also sensitive to chemicals. Follow the wash with a moisturiser to keep your face looking and feeling good.
Start with these basic steps and your skin will soon start glowing.