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Hair Care to Beat the Heat

If summer tends to turn that occasional bad hair day into a permanent fixture of the season, gear up to beat the heat and the grime with some tender loving home care

Like your skin that needs to stay hydrated during the peak summer days, your hair does too…perhaps, more. For, it is your scalp that first feels the pinpricks of direct heat – bald-pated ones taking the most brunt. While a scarf/cap does cut out the direct heat, there is no telling how summer heat can work its way around and deplete the resources that otherwise make your hair shine and bounce with verve and abandon. And, with summer set to stoke the temperature with each passing day, it is best to adopt caution and bring out your hair care armour to combat the burnout.

Here is a quick guide to help you sort your summer hair woes:

Hair Mask

Hair masks can work wonders in nourishing your hair and helping it retain moisture and the natural shine of your hair. It works just like the face mask. It goes beyond the superficial precincts of the conditioner; it goes right inside the hair cuticle and helps repair the damage done to the hair and the scalp. While there are several ready-made masks in the market to opt for, you also have the option of creating your own natural mask – right in your kitchen. There are a variety of combinations and permutations to work on with fruits and vegetables that are easily available in the neighbourhood market. All that you need to do is find out which is ideal for your hair type – a little Google search, some tips from your hair salon, would help you get there.

Shampoo & Conditioner

If you have naturally oily hair, summer will take it to a hyper mode. Of course, you must shampoo, to remove the excess oil; but you could reduce the oil secretion by considering a switch from your regular shampoo and conditioner… However, if you have dry hair, summer is not the time to frequently shower. You could use moisturising formulas and hair serum, to start with. Opt for a gentle cleanser that does not potentially dry your hair. Give your hair some tender care to ensure that you do not lose more strands this season. Besides, with showers naturally dispensing warm to hot water during this season, owing to the heat the overhead tanks have to endure, you could keep your buckets filled with water overnight for a cool bath in the morning or evening. Also, summer demands a rinse-out conditioner to keep your hair smooth and stress-free. An SPF shampoo and an oil-based conditioner could do wonders for your summer hair.

Style Naturally

Hair straighteners and other heat products tend to dry your hair, and with summer already doing the drying job, it is best to avoid any styling products during the hot days of summer. Instead, learn some natural styling techniques that can give you the look you desire without using straighteners or hot curlers. Keep your hair wrapped in a towel for about 15 minutes after shower and then use a wide-toothed comb to untangle the hair. If you have wavy hair, you could untangle it with your fingers; you could even curl the hair into ringlets using your finger. A leave-in conditioner could perfect the look and give the curls the moisturiser it requires.

Another old school practice to use to style your hair naturally this season is with bobby pins. First, separate your hair into two sections and start clipping the smaller sections back with bobby pins to make them look flat on your head. Pin the hair in circles around the head and leave it on overnight or until the moist hair is fully dry. Remove the pins in the morning or when it is dry and voila, you have straight, silky hair. For wavy hair, all that you need to do is braid the hair in two sections and sleep on it to style your hair in natural waves the next day.

Have great hair this summer!

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