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Health, we are told, is not merely the absence of disease.

Health & Wellbeing

According to the principles listed by the constitution of World Health Organisation, ‘health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing, and not merely the absence of disease of infirmity.’

Health goes beyond the precincts of infections, ailments and maladies; it is a sense of wellbeing, one that is perpetrated by a sense of general wellness that covers both mind and body. While this broadens the scope of health on different levels, what it also does is place the onus of one’s health in one’s hands. Just like the body requires a well-balanced diet that is designed to give it all the essential nutrients, the mind also needs sustenance to keep stress and its associated ills at bay.

This issue of FACES explores the importance of realising the health goals – mental health and physical wellbeing – as two sides of the wellness coin. ‘Health, Wellness & Weight Management’ is the crux of this November issue, as it paves the way for you, our dear reader, to enjoy the last part of the year on a fit scale. The cover story presents a guideline with expert comments on how to tackle health on a lifestyle platform. From fitness regimens at different ages of life to tips on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, this issue has been designed to act as a spur to bring about requisite changes in your life.

Start now to begin your new year on a right, healthy note, with wellness on your agenda.

Say ‘hello’ to a fit November!

Check the Men’s Special here

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