Healthspan has been defined by experts as the period of one’s life that one is healthy, rather free from serious diseases. On the same count, it could also mean that one is chronically ill if one is said to be past his/her healthspan.
In the absence of statistics to mark the end of the average healthspan, the World Health Organization (WHO) had developed an indicator called HALE – healthy life expectancy- which is determined by figuring out the average age of the first occurrence of each of the most common serious diseases. To put it simply, while lifespan is quantitative as it defines the end of life, healthspan is a variable as it is a qualitative measure of life.
According to longevity expert Peter Attia, healhspan can be divided into four parts – mind body, freedom from pain and stress tolerance.
Mind or cognition can be measured for short-term memory, executive function, speed of processing and stress tolerance. Loss or weakening of any of these could signal the decline of healthspan and advancing death.
Healthspan, with reference to body or physical capacity is more about muscle maintenance and functional movement than about one’s sporting abilities. While muscle maintenance is significant for structural and biochemical reasons, functional movement is about having flexibility in the spine, which is responsible for majority of physical problems.
Freedom from Pain
Chronic pain is debilitating and easily signals the decline of healthspan. Pain is often inevitable with age.
Stress Tolerance
Stress management is an individual trait and that alone can determine one’s ability to cope with physical or emotional pain. The ones who are able to give stress a beating are better able to improve their healthspan.
So how can you improve your healthspan?
Simple, by adopting the lifestyle habits associated with age intervention. Here is a quick guide to get you started:
Practice Gratitude

Start your day right by creating good intentions through gratitude. Make it a part of your everyday morning to reduce stress and make the most of the day.
Adopt Mindfulness
Mindfulness can become a way of life with little practice. It is simply about becoming more aware of where you are and what you are doing, without becoming overly reactive or overwhelmed by what is going on around you. Mindfulness helps you to create space for yourself.
Consume Medicinal Foods
The idea is to make food your medicine by following a diet that is just right for you. With the help of a dietitian you could find out what diet is best suited for your body.
Opt for Superfoods
The modern concept of superfoods can act as boosters to your health. Most superfoods are designed to support or boost health deficits caused by some chronic condition. Depending on the condition, you could pick and choose the superfood to combat the health concern.
Take Supplements

Supplements are essential when diet alone cannot meet your body’s requirements. Consult a medical practitioner to check what your body is most deficient in.
Detox Regularly
Doing a detox cleanse at regular intervals is important to ensure that your body is functioning more efficiently. It will also make the body more resilient. Detoxification is also recommended or energy boost, better immune system and even weight loss.
Stay Mobile
It is important to stay mobile to increase your joint articulation. Fitness experts believe flexibility in standing from a sitting position is a predictor of lifespan. Whether that is true or not, it does indicate overall mobility.
Gain Cardiovascular Strength
Staying fit requires regular workouts. While the importance of a regular exercise regime cannot be undermined, it is best to follow a high intensity interval training for cardiovascular strength. You would also need to follow a fitness strategy for functional training so as to be able to move your body through time and space. Living a long and healthy life requires strong bodily movements, whether it is climbing stairs, lifting the body up from a squatting position or simply walking briskly without trouble.
Go on, make healthspan a priority!