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Healthy Dining

‘Health’ pegged with ‘dining out’ might come across as a paradox, as restaurant food, generally, is loaded with oils and fats that cannot be classified healthy

Healthy Dining

‘Health’ pegged with ‘dining out’ might come across as a paradox, as restaurant food, generally, is loaded with oils and fats that cannot be classified healthy

Healthy Dining

‘Health’ pegged with ‘dining out’ might come across as a paradox, as restaurant food, generally, is loaded with oils and fats that cannot be classified healthy

Cutting calories while dining out is a difficult task. Studies have shown that an average meal in any large chain restaurant contains more than 1200 calories! Add to that the drinks and the appetisers accompanying the drink and that figure can shoot only upwards.

But, of course, not all diners have weight issues or health concerns owing to regular or occasional indulgences, and that is because most of them make healthy choices while placing their orders.

Here are some tips to help you order right while eating out next time.

Start Right

If you start with a low calorie appetiser you could take a more liberal approach with your mains. It is important to remember that most of the appetisers in the restaurant menus are loaded with calories and fats that can throw away the best laid healthy eating plans. It is best to avoid starters that are fried and opt for healthier seafood or vegetable options. Take time to check the menu to see if the dishes listed mention the calories or indicate they are ‘light’. If not, it is best to check with the staff for the same. When making your order, refrain from dishes that have ‘crispy’ as adjectives, as they are all about deep fried items; instead opt for grilled, baked, boiled, roasted or braised dishes.

Avoid Sugary Drinks

Majority of the mocktails served in restaurants are rich in sugar, with empty calories. This can dampen your dining out experience as the calories consumed in one drink alone could make you think several times before ordering the mains. The best bet is to order water or unsweetened iced tea.

Salads Sans Dressing

Yes, salads are healthy; but not the dressing that it receives before arriving to the table. It is better to pick salads that do not feature butter-tossed croutons, cheeses and mayonnaise and get the dressing, preferably vinaigrette, on the side. You could follow that by ordering a vegetarian side dish; one that is not deep-fried or cooked with butter. The trick is to ask for steamed varieties.

Clear Soup

Starting off with a soup or a salad will not only help you stick to the moderation key while ordering, it will also help you choose healthy. Clear broths are what can make a difference to the health drill.

Avoid Breads

Bread baskets are, often, served as complementary items along with dips and spreads. It is best to be picky while eating breads and, if one must, it is advisable to pick just a slice.

Share Dishes

It is always preferable to share dishes with other guests on the table to reduce your portion size. This is all the more advisable when ordering desserts, as most restaurants are now focused on presenting large decorative items as desserts.

Yes, dining out can be healthy!

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