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Help from the Kitchen for Men’s Skincare

Help is at hand in the kitchen for men as spices that have beauty benefits and will effectively care for their skin and also is light on the wallet

Men’s beauty products cost an arm and a leg, with only a handful of premium brands producing creams, lotions, oils and scrubs that target skin problems and help skin concerns in men. This is one major reason men don’t include a beauty regimen in their daily routine. Skincare and hair care is so important at all ages. Boys and men need to understand their skin types, recognize concerns that are particular to their skin and remedy them. To this end, here are a few spices from the kitchen that have several beauty benefits, are light on the wallet and will help one effectively care for their skin.


Help from the Kitchen

A great way to combat signs of ageing, the ginger from the kitchen is rich in antioxidants which help detoxify skin and the scalp and fight free radicals. When used topically it refines skin texture and rejuvenates it. Ginger juice can also be used to reduce hair fall and clear the scalp of dandruff and build-up.


Used in either powder or extract form, liquorice is a power-packed skincare ingredient that brightens and reduces hyperpigmentation, making the skin glow. It contains powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that can treat skin disorders like eczema or any other rashes and irritation. Regular use of liquorice in home remedies can keep skin hydrated and naturally protects it from the sun.


A popular skincare ingredient in the kitchen, turmeric has a wide range of beauty benefits. It has antiseptic properties which help clear out acne and heal damaged skin. When used as a paste mixed with yoghurt and spread under the eye, it can help reduce dark circles. Including turmeric in your diet too will help achieve all-around good health, and when used as a body scrub in addition to gram flour, will result in soft, glowing skin.

Hot Peppers

Help from the Kitchen

We are in no way suggesting the topical use of hot peppers from your kitchen, such as jalapenos, paprika and cayenne. Instead, including these in your diet will drastically improve the quality of your skin. They are rich in Vitamins A & C, which prevent collagen breakdown and maintain skin elasticity. They help increase blood circulation to the skin, resulting in warmer, more youthful skin.


When used in face packs and masks, coarse nutmeg powder gently exfoliate the skin to reveal a smooth texture. It also evens out discolouration, pigmentation and the appearance of dark spots. If you feel a breakout coming, use a mix of nutmeg, lemon juice and honey as a spot treatment to treat the inflammation right away.


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