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Holiday Essentials To Pack

What to carry and not to carry on a holiday is mostly dependent on the destination you chose; but, if you are a regular holidaymaker, you would have learnt by now that there are some items that are essential for every vacation

First off, what kind of a vacationer are you? Do you tend to over-pack or are you a jeans-and-a-couple-of-tops and essentials kind of vacationer?

If you belong to the latter, you may as well skip this column, as it will not get you on the fashion bandwagon to pack the vacation must-haves. This one is for all those who tend to over-pack, owing to lack of experience or the perpetual fear that they might miss out on some significant occasion for lack of the right clothes or accessories.

What you most definitely need on any vacation are these:

Holiday Essentials To Pack
  • Statement sunglasses (carry your favourite one)
  • A resort maxi dress that could be worn as a dress or even a jacket over your camisole
  • A pair of jeans (the most essential)
  • Comfortable sneakers
  • Chic pouch to hold your essentials while going sight-seeing
  • A pair of striking ear rings to give your evening out a touch of oomph
  • A pair of headphones for all the long bus/train rides

Add to that list your portable power bank, a carryall bag for any overnight trips in the destination and your all-in-one makeup palette. The last is of priority if you belong to the large tribe of makeup addicts.

Another piece of advice to heed, pack items that can be worn both day as well as night. And that means a little white dress along with the black ensemble, that basic white tee, a maxi dress, a midi skirt, a pair of chunky sandals…

However, keep in mind that packing light will allow you to be more relaxed and mobile. Stop, before you touch the over-packed status.

Hydrate Your Skin

Sophia Raman

A self professed lifestyle guru, Sophia Raman has honed her expertise for beauty and fashion with a natural flair for all things chic and a distinctive style quotient. She is a sophisticated socialite who brings her love for fashion, style and travel to this column. You can follow her on:

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