Ace photographer Hussein Ali Alamri lives in the beautiful village of Ras Al Hadd situated in the east of Oman – the first place the sun rises in the Middle East. Having earned a Master’s Degree in Counselling and Guidance, he works as a Career Guidance Supervisor in the Ministry of Education. When he’s not helping people find the right career path, he freezes captivating moments and faces in his photographs. Here are excerpts from the interview…
What inspired Hussein Ali Alamri to first take up photography?
The love of photography has grown in me since the beginning of the development of cameras in mobile phones. When I started mobile photography, I discovered that I have a great eye for photography and artistic talent, so I decided to buy my first digital camera – the Nikon d5200 – in 2015 and thereafter immersed myself in the world of photography.

Can you describe your style of photography?
I specialise in portraying people’s lives, cultures, customs and faces. I try to touch and capture people’s feelings through the camera lens and convey them to the viewer. I am fascinated and pleased by the language of the eyes and the beauty and affection that they hide.

What are some of the challenges you faced when you decided to pursue your passion for photography?
There are lots of challenges a photographer faces and I have too, especially while travelling to other countries and regions, such as rough terrain, highlands and the weather. Sometimes there is a lack of consent from some people to photograph them. But I overcame these by reading and searching for the countries and people I want to photograph.
Tell us about a photography experience you will never forget.
Photography is a beautiful and upscale art. Within three years, I was able to develop my expertise and skills in photography and I won awards and several competitions and participated in many exhibitions in and outside Oman.
One of the most beautiful photography trips I took was my trip to Assam, in Northeast India in 2016. There I took unforgettable pictures like the faces of people and children, their amazing lives and habits. On this trip, my photography skills developed tremendously and I got photos that received global recognition and space in magazines and websites.
How do you feel doing what you love – in your case, photography – benefits you?
Photography helps me understand the feelings of people, so when I press the capture button, I am able to relay their feelings in my photographs. And when I photograph a beautiful picture, I feel a deep relief inside me that makes me continue photography.
Why do you think it is important to do what you love?
When you practise a hobby you love or a passion, this will affect your mental health positively, change your life for the better, and make you love life.
What are your hopes and aspirations for the future?
I hope to be a global photographer and contribute to solving problems facing humans through my work.
What message do you have for our readers?
My message to all readers is to practise what you love, develop your hobbies, and employ them to serve those around you. And for photographers, I’d say, develop your skills in photography and make people enjoy what your lenses capture.