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In the Best of Health With Fitness Training

Ensure that you are in the best of health with workout regimes that are trending in the world of health and fitness

Like fashion, workout too has its trends and fads. Perhaps, it stems from technological advancements that seek complementary fitness regimes. And, going by the new trends making the training and fitness rounds around the world, there are several novel approaches to keep fitness enthusiasts in the best of health.

High Intensity Interval Training

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has been gaining popularity owing to the quick results. The training session, typically, lasts around 30 minutes or less, with 20 to 90 seconds of hard work (like a hard sprint), followed by a short period of low-intensity recovery (walking). The idea is to alternate between the two sets for a specific period of time. However, since the training is intense, it is best not to do it every day, as there is an increased risk of injury.

Group Training

For obvious reasons or for want of better options, group fitness training (comprising 5 or more people with an instructor) is trending this year. This can be a big motivator as group work always helps; it can also open up the opportunities to initiate a variety of fitness activities, even boot camps. Cycling enthusiasts are, of course, well aware of the benefits of group activities.

Rhythmic Workouts

Dancing towards fitness with Pound’s Rhythmic Workouts is said to make you stronger, physically and emotionally. The 45-minute class uses light drumsticks or Ripstix® to deliver a full-body workout. It includes a mix of cardio, conditioning, and strength training, with yoga and Pilates-inspired moves. According to the founders of the programme, participants can expect to burn anywhere from 400 to 900 calories in one class, depending on their age and body type.

Strength Training

Strength training is not new, but what is new is its growing popularity among fitness enthusiasts. Also called resistance training, this exercise helps you work your muscles by applying a resistance against which the muscles need to exert force. When done effectively, it is said to help prevent the age-related decline of muscle mass, while keeping the bones and heart-healthy.


With yoga earning mileage for its focus on both mind and body, many a fitness-minded person around the world is adopting it as a lifestyle measure. While there are various styles and approaches to practising yoga, it has proven its role in building muscle strength and endurance when practised with dedication. Besides the physical benefits, it is known to induce mental clarity as well as reduce stress.

Fitness Programmes for Seniors

Fitness is not age limited. The growing market for fitness programmes, dedicated to senior citizens or older adults, is proof. With the fitness industry growing in leaps and bounds in recent years, more people are realising the importance of staying active to maintain bone and muscle mass, which otherwise tends to decline with age. Market watchers expect tailored programmes that suit the requirements of older people to hit the fitness industry.

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