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Insanely Easy Finger Foods To Awe Your Guests

Racking your brains on what to serve for your next party at home? Choose crunchy finger foods for the party and awe your guests.

Insanely Easy Finger Foods To Awe Your Guests

Racking your brains on what to serve for your next party at home? Choose crunchy finger foods for the party and awe your guests.

Insanely Easy Finger Foods To Awe Your Guests

Racking your brains on what to serve for your next party at home? Choose crunchy finger foods for the party and awe your guests.

Easy finger foods are the latest craze among partygoers. From humble potato fries to barbequed boneless ribs, these appetisers offer delicious nibbles of any variety and taste. Not only are they easy to eat, but they are convenient to serve.

Often served as a small portion of food that can be eaten out of hand without using a spoon, fork or knife, finger food appetisers have gained popularity as they are easy for a quick pop in and can be eaten on the go. They are portable, easy to handle and meant to create little mess. The highlight is that they allow you to taste a large variety of foods in one sitting.

The origin of finger foods began with the French canapés in the late 18th century. Originally, canapés referred to thin slices of bread that were toasted or fried and covered with toppings. But in due course, canapés became a broader term for any small-sized finger foods served at parties. As it happens, finger foods rose in popularity around the same time cocktail parties became fashionable.

Easy Finger Foods

Today, the term canapés are usually reserved for fancier receptions and celebrations; these delicate bites are also known as hors d’oeuvre. Also called starters these casual small bites are often served at small parties at home, potlucks, and buffets. They create a casual, relaxed atmosphere and keep the guests’ hands and fingers entertained.

Whether you are hosting a birthday celebration, a wedding, or a business meeting, finger foods are a great option. Finger food appetisers provide more variety and flexibility and are quite affordable. They are the foreplay of meals. It sets your appetite for the rest of the meal.

These appetisers are incredibly convenient and can be made easily without any fuss. Most finger foods are dry foods that are simple and fast to prepare without the need to make gravies. It’s easy to cook, handy to serve and quite effortless to clean up than with sit-down meals. You can include an assortment of food varieties which will keep everyone content, while the choice is endless. From simple sausage rolls to chicken wings, cheese, olives, spring rolls, samosas, sandwiches, potato wedges, bread rolls, fruit, and even pizza are popular options in finger food. You can even combine dessert into your favourite finger foods by offering cookies, pastries, cake pops, and ice cream. Your guests will be overwhelmed with choice overload!

Easy Finger Foods

These munchies can easily be customised in any way you want. And whether it’s vegetarian or meaty, the options are many. With a plate of tiny hors d’oeuvre, there is less need for huge cutlery and utensils. These small bites could be carried in one hand, while guests socialise. This could save you space and solve your seating constraints. Thus, finger food parties can be quite casual and comfortable for guests.

From pull-apart breads to bite-size poppers to even options for vegans, finger food would be a great way to impress your guests, and especially the kids. So, dash to your kitchen and start making them.


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