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Inside the Mind of a Killer

Iman Al-Qubtan*, author of published psychological thriller‘ Inside the Mind of a Killer’, shares the twists and turns that led her to become a writer

Inside the Mind of a Killer

Iman Al-Qubtan*, author of published psychological thriller‘ Inside the Mind of a Killer’, shares the twists and turns that led her to become a writer

Inside the Mind of a Killer Scenario

Specialist psychologist Iman Al-Qubtan’s ‘Inside the Mind of a Killer’ is a mini book of cases that takes the reader on a thrilling ride into the minds of killers whose modus operandi are deciphered by the cops to throw the spotlight on the workings of criminal minds. The book brings to fore the author’s interests in forensics and relationships, counselling, psychological examination of criminal behaviour and behavioural analysis of the scenario.

In the following interview, Iman, who has to her credit an academic project titled ‘Cross cultural examination of the difference in attitude towards crime and punishment between the UK and Oman’ and a ‘Workshop Analyzing and Understanding Personality’, shares the story behind her first novel, ‘Inside the Mind of a Killer’, which was released in October this year. A member of the British Psychological Society (BPS), British Society of Criminology (BSC), and the American Psychological Association (APA), Iman is currently working as a specialist psychologist at Muscat Private Hospital.

How, rather when, did the writing bug bite you?

Actually, I have always loved criminal psychology.When I first joined my Master’s Degree programme, I opted for a forensic project. After graduation, I conducted a workshop on personality and, later on,while working as a psychologist, I wrote my first book ‘Inside the Mind of a Killer’.

Did your psychologist background have a say in the content of your novel?  

Yes, the themes were based on my psychological analysis of criminal and law enforcement behaviour, as well as a checklist related to the crime scene and what goes on in the killer’s mind. I watch real life documentaries, and regularly look up the FBI’s latest information and victims, that is in addition to my forensic psychology studies at the university where we had examples of real life victims in each chapter.

Could you provide an outline of the book?

‘Inside the Mind of a Killer’ is a mini book of cases that deals with themes such as life insurance; crimes of jealousy, love and revenge; disturbed psychopath; law manipulations, child custody and divorce; mental illness; demographics related to theft, gangs and murder…

The first section includes three case scenarios with three main characters Don, Beth and Elena. Each scenario demonstrates a murder case that revolves around life insurance compensation. The second section includes four case scenarios with murder as a consequence of jealousy, love and revenge. The four main characters in those scenarios are Amelia, James, Brian,and Albert. The third section includes four case scenarios of murder committed by individuals with mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, anti-social personality disorder, multiple dissociative personality and borderline personality disorder. The main characters in those scenarios are Grieg, Sean,Enrique, and Gerard.

Inside the Mind of a Killer Scenario

The fourth section includes four case scenarios of murder, where the main motive is lies – the four main characters in these scenarios are Mortimer, Holly, Edward, and Albert. The section that follows includes three case scenarios with the three main characters: Alex, Bob, and King. In these scenarios, the murder is committed by a psychopath serial killer who could be a sexual offender. Next is a section that includes one case scenario of murder with the primary motive of child custody and divorce by means of law manipulation. The main character in this case scenario is France.The final section includes the case scenario of a murderer from an impoverished locality known for theft, gangs, drugs and murder.

The above scenarios trace how the police catch the murderer, identify the murder weapon, how the murderer tried to cover up the crime, how the murder was committed, what increased the police suspicion after the murder, where the killer disposed off the body, and how the body was found…Finally, there is a small part at the end on love, lust, physical attraction,and relationships based on a survey conducted through Qualtrics online.

What have been the challenges you faced on the way?  

The challenges were finding a good graphic designer to design my sketches.  My challenges were to get people to understand the concept of my book along with marketing strategies, as my book is self-published.

Who has been the inspiration in your writing journey?

My mother, she always proof reads my work – even while I was doing my Master’s degree.

What has been the most interesting factor in your debut novel?

Inside the Mind of a Killer Scenario

I am interested in love (which makes up the second part of my book). The answers I chose for the definitions of love, lust and physical attraction were interesting to me. The first part of the survey, in general, had interesting questions and answers. The most interesting factor was that it could be read from a criminal point of view or the police point of view;also the checklist matches the current range of crimes and it is interesting for the reader to match the points stated in the checklist with the case stories.

What makes a good story?

According to me, the story should be short and containing the area of interest of the specific reader. Also the anonymity of the answers and the dedication makes it interesting.

How can readers get hold of your book?  

My book is available for sale directly from me and is also available in E-book format with the option for print on demand. The E-book is currently available at Scribd, Amazon, COPIA, Google play, iBooks, BOOKSHOP, Kobo, Gardner books and e Central, while the print on demand is available on Ingram, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Baker and Taylor and Powell’s.  

Any future plans…?

Yes, I am currently in the process of writing my second book ‘Emie’. It will also have a dedication, a survey, and author’s opinion.

* Iman specialises in talk therapy, relationship and family counselling, and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT).


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