Intermittent Fasting and Diabetes


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Intermittent fasting may help fight type 2 diabetes

Scientists believe that intermittent fasting (diets that cycle between periods of fasting and eating) could play an essential role in type 2 diabetes. Researchers used intermittent fasting as a method to reduce the symptoms of type 2 diabetes in a new observational study that took 10 months. The results revealed significant improvements with reduced weight and blood glucose; the participants were able to stop using insulin after a month from the beginning of the trial. Researchers concluded that intermittent fasting may help people with diabetes, but since the number of participants was limited to three, more research may be needed to confirm their findings.


Can Facebook predict depression?

With WHO estimating that major depressive disorders will be the leading cause of the global burden of disease by 2010, researchers are relying on Facebook status updates to predict depression diagnoses in people at risk. Researchers used an algorithm to analyse social media data from consenting users and picked out linguistic cues that might predict depression. They analysed 524,292 Facebook status updates from both people who had a history of depression and from those who did not. By modelling conversations on 200 topics, the researchers determined a range of so-called depression-associated language markers, which depicted emotional and cognitive cues. The researchers found that the linguistic markers could predict depression with ‘significant’ accuracy up to 3 months before the person receives a formal diagnosis.

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