Is Cranberry Juice Good?


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Cranberry Juice Not Good For Urine Infections

Is Cranberry Juice Good?

Stay away from cranberry juice if you have urine infection – that is the advice from experts who studied the impact of the juice on the infection. Although some studies have claimed that cranberry juice may help urine infection, new study says there is not enough evidence to recommend it. Ideally, drink plenty of water or fluids and take painkillers, suggest researchers, while also underscoring the importance of speaking to their doctor for a prescription of antibiotics. However, antibiotics will not always be necessary, they note, pointing out that the body, sometimes, can fight a mild infection alone without medication. The best course to follow is to get a back-up prescription to be used only if symptoms do not improve within 48 hours or if they worsen rapidly or significantly at any time.


Mindful Breathing Keeps Brain Healthy And Young

While it has been established that meditation can improve focus, researchers have now found that controlled breathing, or mindful breathing exercises, can also do wonders for the brain. Breathing-centred meditation practices, linked to neurophysiological (a branch of physiology and neuroscience) reactions, are brought to light in the new study, which shows how controlled breathing affects levels of a neurotransmitter called noradrenaline, a ‘stress hormone’ that can cause one’s heart to beat faster and pupils to dilate when one is excited. In the right amount, noradrenaline creates new connections between brain cells.  The findings may be useful for treating people with attention deficit disorder, as well as healthy seniors who want to keep their mind agile.


Role Of Cholesterol In Alzheimer’s

According to a new study, cholesterol may play a significant role in the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Cholesterol builds up in arteries, but it may play a role in Alzheimer’s as well, state researchers. Although cholesterol is more commonly implicated as a contributing factor in cardiovascular conditions such as heart disease and stroke, it is also one of the main constituents of the cell wall. Researchers maintain that this study could also act as a catalyst for clusters of a protein called amyloid-beta to form in the brain. When amyloid-beta aggregates, it forms into plaques that are toxic to brain function and kills off brain cells.


Mental Illness, A Prognosis

Scientists studying why mental illness occurs have found clues in the visual brain. Following a brain imaging study, researchers learnt that the quality of communication between the parts of the brain that process and make sense of vision could be vital for mental health. Poor communication in certain areas of the brain impacts mental health, they noted, in relation to their discovery that the risk of mental illness rises when the brain’s visual cortex does not communicate properly with networks that help one to plan and focus on tasks and think about themselves. The visual cortex is the part of the brain that receives and processes the visual information coming in from the eyes.

Antibiotics Can Cause Allergies


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