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Jennifer Hudson’s Weight Story

Jennifer Hudson has been described as one of the most inspiring Hollywood celebrities, thanks in no small measure to her weight management triumphs

Jennifer Kate Hudson lost a whopping 80-pounds, going down from a size 16 to a size 6, and wrote all about her personal journey in the 2012 book ‘I Got This: How I Changed My Ways and Lost What Weighed Me Down’, which has, over the years, become a sacred book of hope for overweight folks. Hers is one of the most inspiring stories for her fans, as well as fitness enthusiasts who have been tracking her stage and screen successes, alongside her body sculpting accomplishments.

Hudson’s weight had reached 237 pounds when she pushed the brake on her weight problem. “I am prouder of my weight loss than my Oscar! I hope it has inspired people,” the Oscar winning actress had said. She is, indeed, one of the most inspiring Hollywood celebrities for thousands of people around the world. She is a Grammy Award-winning recording artist, Academy Award-winning actress and best-selling author, who has proven to the world that a strong will power and a belief in oneself is all that is needed to savour success.

Talking about her weight management journey, she’d told a television talk show host that her success stems from her focus on the food she eats. “I’m very careful and cautious of what I’m eating, so I just try to pace those meals throughout the day… I’m very conscious of what I put in my body,” she’d said.

Her weight loss process started following the birth of her son David in 2009. She joined Weight Watchers and soon learned the techniques involved in effective weight loss and weight management. But it took her a while to understand that depriving herself wasn’t the only way to attain healthy lifestyle. As she says, “If you are on a strict diet that says you shouldn’t have any carbs or this or that, your body won’t function the way it should. I know now that I can eat anything I want and still lose or maintain my weight. It’s about portions and balance.”

Food is meant to be used as fuel for our bodies. If you are using it for any other reasons, take a step back and ask yourself, ‘What’s up’

And so, she has worked out a sure-fire weight management programme that continues to work for her. Generally, her breakfast might feature a fruit-and-yoghurt combo, an egg white scramble or a breakfast burrito. As for lunch, however hectic her schedule may be, she makes time for food, which could be a turkey sandwich, grilled chicken salad or shrimp and broccoli stir-fry. She indulges her midday cravings with a host of healthy and light snacks, including celery sticks, light microwavable popcorn, one square of chocolate, an apple, a spoonful of peanut butter, Greek yogurt, granola, low-fat tortilla chips with a little light ranch dressing or a chai tea latte. The objective, she notes, is to stick to adequate portions.

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