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Keep Up With The Trends

The desire to rock styles that are trending in international fashion aisles can be a difficult one to realise….

It is not easy to keep up with fashion trends in the market, right? Even when you have the time and the money needed to fill, rather update your wardrobe with new clothes and accessories to emulate those worn by models on fashion ramps or flaunted by celebs on social media, you just cannot match the speed with which the trends keep altering. Well, just when you thought those open sleeves would stay on and create a prolonged buzz, they metamorphosed into more pronounced slit sleeves, cape sleeves and what not, pushing your purchases down the wardrobe rack.

Keeping Up With The Trends

While it is advisable to wait and watch, that could be a folly in the fashion circuit if you have waited a tad too long and the trend has changed. But what you could do, to keep up and stay on top of the trend, is follow the styles on popular online stores and observe the fashion adaptations by social media influencers, who are quick to catch up on the style moves of celebrities.

Many social influencers, models and designers use Instagram to share videos, photographs, and information about what’s trending and how they were inspired. Keep up with the fashion hashtag on Instagram which is always up to the mark about what is trending. Follow celebrities and designers on Instagram whose style you most admire. Search online for fashion web sites to look at what the stars are wearing, and what the designers are showing on the runway.

Checking online stores constantly could provide you the leverage needed to keep up and stay on par with new trends. You will also have a better gauge of wearing those trends right, without feeling like a fish out of the bowl. Also, keeping an eye on the accessories trending in the world of fashion will help you to stay on top of the trends.

Sophia Raman

A self professed lifestyle guru, Sophia Raman has honed her expertise for beauty and fashion with a natural flair for all things chic and a distinctive style quotient. She is a sophisticated socialite who brings her love for fashion, style and travel to this column. You can follow her on:

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