Kevin Abdulrahman, Middle East’s number one motivational speaker and a public speaking coach to CEOs, world leaders and politicians, is a frequent visitor to Oman, a country that he refers to as ‘The Silent Giant’. He sees Oman as a nation that is improving in leaps and bounds across many sectors – “Many great things are happening in the country, driven by its equally great people,” he maintains. He has been visiting Oman for the last two decades and has worked with top executives, having been invited by the EO local chapter, Omantel and OmanOil, among others, to present his inspirational workshops/talks.
Popularly known as The Man Inspiring Millions, Kevin Abdulrahman is a renowned motivational speaker who works with Fortune 500 companies and leading governments to ‘Get Inspired, Get Informed and Get Going!’ He is also a trusted advisor and public speaking coach to CEOs, world leaders and the royalty, and the author of several books on communication, leadership, inspiration and performance.
He was studying in the university when he realised his calling as a motivational speaker. Born to a conventional Middle Eastern family, he recalls that he was expected to toe the line and opt for a lucrative traditional career. “Like many in my shoes, the options were to be a doctor, lawyer, engineer or accountant, with ‘doctor’ being drummed into my psyche,” he quips, adding that it was in his first year at the university that he woke up to the fact that he wasn’t fitting in and didn’t truly want to be a doctor. “The path to self-discovery ensued: the start which led me to where I am today,” he points out.
And the rest, as they say, is history. As Kevin Abdulrahman looks towards the future today, he is filled with a deep sense of gratitude. Listing his expectations, he says: “To remain happy and realise that each day is a blessing, an opportunity; to add value to the world while I’m here; and, in the process, appreciate the diversity of our world.”
The home I grew up in…
Was warm. My brothers and I were blessed to have parents who reminded us, on a daily basis, the importance of love and care for one another. We were also blessed to grow up in New Zealand and learn early on in our lives to be ourselves. What you see is what you get with the Abdulrahman family.
When I was a child I wanted to…
Be rich and successful superhero…like Marvel’s Iron Man.
The moment that changed me forever…
The fear of losing everything. We spend so much of our time and energy fearing the worst that could happen to us. Very often, with the passing of time, we realise that we are far stronger than what we had initially imagined.
My greatest inspiration…
I am inspired by everyone I meet, work with, see, or even read about. I believe in learning from others, regardless of who they are or where they come from. Every person’s perspective is uniquely different, and there is so much that I can learn.
My hero…
My mother. A woman who has taught me and continues to teach me to be fiercely passionate, caring towards others, and stubborn to do what I set my mind to.
If I could change one thing about myself…
I would tell the younger version of me to go for it. Everything great is waiting for you on the other side of your discomfort.
What I see when I look in the mirror…
If it’s the first thing in the morning, ‘a man in need of good coffee’.
It’s not fashionable but I like…
I have a weird habit of ordering a cup of hot water along with my coffee. I went to a café once, where the lady serving me recognised me, not as the motivational speaker, but as the guy who orders hot water along with his coffee. Unfashionable, but clearly, memorable.
My greatest regret…
Not spending enough time with my dad. I thought I had forever to do so, only to realise that every day we have here is borrowed.
You may not know it but I’m no good at…
I am not a man’s man. I am not the handy-man kind of guy. Manual work isn’t my thing. My family has finally come to accept me for who I am. These days, when something needs to get done, everyone in my family knows, ‘not to ask Kev’.
You may not know it but I’m very good at…
I dance Urban Kiz, some would say rather well. I have become good at it, not because of talent, but purely because it’s how I operate in life. I won’t do it otherwise; I’m going to be pretty darn good at it. Thanks to Mama, that for sure is her influence.
If I have time to myself…
Regardless of what’s going on, I make time for myself. I enjoy having the time to think, reflect, and write. Needless to say, with plenty of coffee.
My house is…
Because I travel a lot, home is wherever I am. People are great – everywhere.
My favourite haunt/holiday destination…
Wherever the sun shines. I’m a summer boy.
My favourite weekend spot in Oman…
I’ve been to Oman many times, but only to Muscat. I love it because it’s uniquely picturesque.
I will not leave my house without…
My hat!
Things I like about Oman…
It’s beautiful and warm, just like its hospitable people.
A book that changed me…
‘The One Thing’ by Gary Keller.
On top of my wish/bucket list is…
I have a long list, but at this stage in my life the one that is at the top of the list is to be an inspiring role model for my nephews Kareem and Hakeem.
My success mantra is…
No one needs to give you permission to be great; you hold that authority.
In 10 years’ time, I hope to be…
Younger and wiser.
For more info, check; Facebook & Instagram: @KevinAbdulrahmanOfficial; Youtube & LinkedIn: @KevinAbdulrahman