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Local Wildlife Natural Reserve

Al Khuwair Natural Reserve

Al Khuwair Natural Reserve, the first collaboration of its kind between the private (Al Madina Real Estate Company)and public (Diwan of Royal Court) sector is focused on developing nature reserves and promoting eco-tourism.The project will open its doors to visitor in 2021 and will be an ecological destination to study local wildlife, as well as a diverse economical and recreational destination highlighting Oman’s natural treasures. Towards this end, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed by Diwan Royal Court,represented by the Office for Conservation of the Environment, with Al Madina Real Estate Company. The MoU states that Al Madina Real Estate Company will develop the Reserve which covers an area of 300,000 square meters and prepare it for visitors from Oman and abroad.

Mwasalat and Busworld to host International Passenger Transport Exhibition 

Mwasalat has signed a Memorandum of Understanding(MoU) with the Busworld Foundation to host ‘Busworld Middle East’ in Muscat in 2021. A first for the region, the event will be part of a series of exhibitions organised by the Busworld International, the biggest bus and coach trade exhibitors in the world. The signing took place during the IRU World Congress in Muscat, where leaders within the industry came together to network, discuss and debate innovate solutions to road transport, mobility, logistics and trade challenges in the 21st century. Mwasalat is part of Oman Global Logistics Group ‘ASYAD’, which was established to maximise the economic and financial returns from Government investments in ports,freezones, land and sea transport and logistic services companies.  

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