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Lose Belly Fat In A Week

The idea of losing belly fat in a week might seem like heresy, but if you are determined to lose that flab, have a go at this easy guide to see if your body has the will to match up and score a winner

Lose Belly Fat In A Week

The idea of losing belly fat in a week might seem like heresy, but if you are determined to lose that flab, have a go at this easy guide to see if your body has the will to match up and score a winner

Belly fat, that bane of middle age, didn’t crop up overnight – right? Then…how could one bid it goodbye in a week?

Easy, according to a host of weight management sites in the big, big world of the Internet, which has tonnes of resources to egg you on and help you and melt all the flab. Here is a compilation of some of the easy and hard to resist steps to get there.

Eat more of…

  • Healthy foods! Eat lots of healthy foods to stock your body with energy for working out, as well as for regular day-to-day functioning.
  • Proteins! Protein has a higher thermic effect (amount of energy required to digest and process the food you eat) than other foods. And this means that your body will burn more energy while processing proteins than carbohydrates or fats. Some of the easiest sources of proteins are whole eggs (7gms protein per egg), ground beef/turkey (25gms protein per 100gms), chicken breast (25gms protein per 100gms) and cottage cheese (12gms protein per 100gms), among others. Fish rich in Omega-3 fats are also effective in reducing weight. It is best to consume protein after your workout.
  • Fats like fish oil could prove to be effective in losing belly fat. It is said to naturally increase testosterone levels and increase fat loss.
  • Foods rich in viscous (soluble) fibre can aid weight loss. These fibres are found exclusively in plant-based foods, such as asparagus, Brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes, turnips, apricots, mangoes, oranges, legumes and barley and oat bran. The fibres bind water and form a thick gel that can dramatically slow the movement of food through the digestive system, thereby slowing the digestion and absorption of nutrients, leading to a feeling of fullness.

Eat less of…

  • Sugar! Added sugar is one of the unhealthiest foods. Several studies have shown that excess sugar can lead to increased accumulation of fat in the stomach and liver owing to the large amounts of fructose in it (50 per cent).
  • This also applies to sugar-laden beverages; either completely eliminate sugary drinks or minimise the amount of sugar in your food
  • Salt too…
  • Trans fats are also a no-no in your weight loss quest. Opt for whole unprocessed foods to avoid consuming trans fats. The medical fraternity considers trans fats as the worst type of fat you can eat; it can raise your bad cholesterol (Low-Density Lipoprotein) and lower your good cholesterol (High-Density lipoprotein).
  • Carbs… One of the effective ways of reducing fat is restricting carbohydrates from the diet. Several studies have shown that low carb diets can lead to increased weight loss. According to one expert, you could lose weight faster if you consume only 50 grams of carbs a day.

Do more of…

  • Exercise, of course. It is the most effective method for reducing belly fat. But, as everyone who has been there and done that knows, reducing weight in specific spots is not an easy task; even continuous training of the abdominal muscles might fail to reduce belly fat. Choose aerobic exercises which have better results on the belly fat. Resistance training, such as weight lifting or strength training is equally important. 
  • Track your food. Keep a check on the calories consumed to know exactly where you stand. Drink lots of water!
  • Get enough sleep to ensure that you do not disrupt your metabolism. Experts state that getting sufficient (read that as 7 hours) sleep will ensure that there are no lags in energy while ensuring that you do not crave carbs.

Do less of…

  • Stressing over issues pertaining to your work or even your weight. Stress has the effect of growing belly fat by triggering adrenal glands to produce cortisol or stress hormones.
  • Partying, where the chances of bingeing on food and beverages are more.
  • Slouching on the couch watching television

Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on the circumference of your gut. 

Weight Loss Mission at Holiday Destinations 


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