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Love Is A Discovery

“Love made me discover myself and explore my potentials”, maintains youth social activist Mazoon Said Al Zadjali

Love is a discovery according to youth social activist Mazoon Said Al Zadjali. Find out more as she narrates her perspective of love in the following feature

Love – four letters that make everyone fall into it…in many different forms. We were born loved and were surrounded by our loved ones; we grew up introducing our love to what we are passionate about, while fostering it more in us.

Personally, love taught me a lot. It made me discover myself and explore within myself. I grew up loving the idea of helping people (volunteering runs in my blood). My promise and commitment towards helping youth made me sacrifice a lot of my time and efforts to bringing about a change in my lovable country Oman and in the only world I live in. 

In fact, my passion to help made me identify love in different unique ways and the love I shared with others made them see love in different perspectives.

I learnt that in love there are no struggles, because you are happy and following your heart – I always say, heart wants what it wants, never discourage yourself in something you love or in someone you love. In love there should be no suffering or pain; real love has only pure happiness to give.

I believe people often misunderstand the true meaning behind love. For true love gives you a smiley face and unforgettable feelings. Love should never fill you with negativity or sorrow that numbs you. Instead, I would say, follow your heart and it will spreadall positive feelings in your path. There is no love without passion and there is no passion without commitment. 

Love is a very strong word that sometimes fools us, leading us in different directions of confusion. I have faced different situations in my life where I couldn’t identify loveor,let’s say,I hated love. But I also learnt that we ought to always wait and look at the bright side of life.

Love and Youth

Many a youth have misunderstood what love is or have been unable to comprehend or reason what after love. Sometimes they act as fools, even in the face of practical advice; they fail to understand the subtle nuances. My work with youth, and the world in general, has made me see love in a perspective of acceptance, understandings and commitment. It changed who I used to be and continues to affect my environment in a positive way.

I can recall that I grew up not knowing what to do in my life or how my future will pan out. When I was 15 years old, on a gloomy day, my friend who was facing personal issues, asked my help and I didn’t know how to help her or even advice her. Later that day, at home, I kept wondering about the youth in my country. If my friend has no one to guide or youth centres to help, how will the youth in my country seek help to resolve their issues… It was then that I started discovering myself from the eyes of the other youth around me and joined Y-PEER (Youth Peer Educational Network), which instilled in me the courage to understand youth and advice and educate them.

Today, as a youth ambassador, the only message I have for all the readers is this: don’t get fooled by the one word, but be amazed by how it can transform your life, leading you to a path filled with lights, colours and joy. 

Remember, there will always be unopened doors, which you need to step forward and open.

* 26-year old Mazoon Said Al Zadjali, is a youth ambassador who has participated in many conferences and workshops worldwide and has implemented several projects in the country. She runs the adventure based women empowerment project called ‘Beyond Borders Oman’, to encourage girls to break their borders and enjoy nature. She has won an award from the Russian president V.Putin for her participation in the 19th youth and students festival 2017.

The Sun Is Also A Star

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  1. My hope to you that all love you have and time you sacrifice get you to the level you deserve..i belive the hard work and the passion inside you should be rewarded.. You deserve the best dear friend 🌹❤️👍


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