Love To Globe Trot?

Nicole Brewer, co-founder of ‘I Luv 2 Globe Trot’ shows how easy it is to became a traveller, if you have the passion to explore and learn

A solo flight across the USA, at the tender age of 12, set in motion Nicole Brewer’s passion for travel. It continues to fuel her travel thirst, as her last tally of countries travelled had crossed 40.

An English Language teacher, travel blogger and freelance writer, Nicole attributes her zest for expat lifestyle and the goal of inspiring others to travel and live abroad, as the inspiration behind the ‘I Luv 2 Globe Trot’ travel site and community, which she co-founded with Renee Evans, another globetrotter.

Currently a resident of Oman, she has lived in South Africa, Germany and South Korea. Her experience as an expatriate employee provided fodder for her book ‘A Guide to Landing an English Teaching Job Abroad’, which was published last year. Her travels and her new book has earned her recognition in the media; she has been featured in the Guardian, BBC Travel, Forbes, the National Geographic Traveller and many other publications about living and travelling abroad.

But more than anything, it is a desire to learn – from people, from different cultures and backgrounds – that has acted as a spur for her travel quests. With interests ranging from architecture to great food and beautiful beaches, picking a destination to travel hasn’t been a task for Nicole. “If I can find a good travel deal for a destination on my list, then I go for it,” she muses.


“Do your research; join travel communities on social media where you can learn from others experiences.”


“I highly recommend South Africa. I have been there twice so far and always feel a draw to go back – at times due to the amazing people, food and history.” 

Her favourite travel destination, so far, has been Jordan. “I loved visiting the Dead Sea, Petra, and Wadi Rum. It was such a fulfilling experience to go at it alone and see such amazing sites that I dreamed about…” she recalls.

Fortunately for her, there have been no bad experiences. “I have been fortunate to visit some amazing destinations. I have learned something new in every place I have visited, so don’t really see the bad in any place I have been to,” she observes.

(Nicole Brewer is the Co-Founder of

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