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Makeup In The Time Of Coronavirus

Beauty salons have closed shop due to Coronavirus, and makeup is, perhaps, the last thing on your mind as you follow social distancing, but…

Makeup In The Time Of Coronavirus? With work from home set to become a norm due to Coronavirus rather than an option, makeup might seem like a frivolous indulgence, one you could do without, as you go about your work wearing pyjamas. But if you are a die-hard makeup addict who instinctively reaches for your creams, lotions, lipstick, eye shadow and whatnot after the morning cuppa, then, go on; let nothing come in the way of your habit.

Continue your sessions in front of the dressing table and enjoy the sense of normalcy that routines establish. Besides, the temporary closure of salons and spas does mean DIY measures to treat your face, your hair, your fingers and toes…right?

Interestingly, social and digital media have presented several options to learn the art of wearing makeup under the face mask. A few YouTubers have also produced videos demonstrating guidelines to continue looking chic and presentable by using hydrating foundation and natural shades.

Bold eye makeup is the norm in Coronavirus time. Frame your face with bold eye looks as eyes are the only things that people will be seeing above your mask.

But there is more to the lure of makeup during this trying time. While you go about your everyday makeup routine, ensure that it means following the no-touching-your-face advisory. Perhaps, make up on the face could mean less of face touching. Additionally, and more importantly, resist the urge to try free makeup testers in the stores. In the current scenario, with shops asked to shut, the chances of that happening might be remote, but it is a lesson to follow through even later.

After all a bit of makeup, in fact more of it, in the time of Coronavirus goes a long way to lift your spirits and make you feel confident.

Sophia Raman

A self professed lifestyle guru, Sophia Raman has honed her expertise for beauty and fashion with a natural flair for all things chic and a distinctive style quotient. She is a sophisticated socialite who brings her love for fashion, style and travel to this column. You can follow her on:

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