I am not a big super hero movies fan but lately have been enjoying the Marvel superhero sagas beginning with the Guardians of the Galaxy and Wonder Woman. Thor: Ragnarok with its stellar cast and perfect comedy timing has won me over again.
Director Taika Waititi has brilliantly managed to weave in sense of humor with the acting of Thor: Ragnarok cast.
Did I enjoy it? I totally loved Thor: Ragnarok. Besides the eye candy (Chris Hemsworth with a goofy smile – drool) throughout the movie I loved every joke, every visual display of the set, the spaceships and of course the fight scenes.
Thor: Ragnarok is a downright enjoyable and colourful spectacle with its spaceships, lasers, cosmic scenes and many other sci-fi gimmicks (I know I am getting repetitive here, after Bladerunner 2049), but the occasional play of Led Zeppelin’s “Immigrant Song” was the cherry on the top.

The story of Thor: Ragnarok revolves around Hela (Cate Blanchett), the Goddess of Death (and Thor’s sister!), wanting to take over Thor’s home planet of Asgard. Thor teams up with his brother Loki (Tom Hiddleston), whose loyalty keeps shifting depending on the situation and an inebriated bounty-hunting Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson). Also helping him along the way is Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), who is a gladiator on Sakaar (a planet with Technicolor art deco designs). Sakaar is ruled by a quirky looking Grandmaster (Jeff Goldblum) with all his side eye grins and closed mouth dialogues.
Cameos by Benedict Cumberbatch’s Dr. Strange and Matt Damon add to the stellar star cast of Thor: Ragnarok. Anthony Hopkins as Odin deserves a mention.
People around me seem to be really enjoying it too. If you are into the whole Marvel thing you probably will enjoy it as well. Remember Thor: Ragnarok is more on the lines of Guardians of the Galaxy than Thor and that really helps to pick the movie up.
I happened to watch Thor: Ragnarok in IMAX 3D and I think this is one of those films where it is worth the extra price you pay for the ticket. IMAX 3D absolutely enhances the scenes and the visual effects of the movie.
By: Sophia Raman
Our Vote: 4/5 *