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Meera Al-Hamadani – Combining Art & Elegance

Leading fashion designer, Meera Al-Hamadani talks about inspiration, changing trends and how the Omani fashion industry always welcomes all new talent

Though she is a political science graduate, Meera Al-Hamadani knew very early on that fashion was where her heart was. And her designs speak volumes of her passion for the craft. With billowing fabrics, flowy patterns, ruffles and layers, her label showcases an array of lush gowns and dresses that are sure to take one’s breath away! Combining exquisite beadwork and exemplary finishing, each design is a luxurious masterpiece, oozing with attention to detail. Read on to know about her road to success and how she turned her dreams into reality…

How did you get into the field of fashion design?

At a very early age, I began designing dresses for my five sisters for every occasion and from there the idea came to expand; I started designing for cousins and friends too. Until one day, when I decided to take it up as a small business venture. I started with a small tailoring shop behind my house and today, here I am!

Tell us about Meera Al-Hamadani the brand.

Meera Al-Hamadani is a simple yet elegant Omani tailoring shop. It is a brand that is all about the customer. We design bespoke dresses for our customers that are inspired by their tastes. We try to bring their imagination to life.

Is there room for aspiring fashion designers in the Omani fashion industry?

There is always room for new ideas and new people in the industry. It is forever growing. I think the potential these days is higher than it has ever been, due to easy access to social media and the possibility of connecting with millions of people online, all over the world.

How easy was it for you to turn your passion for fashion into a business?

My dream would not have come true without the support of my husband and family. They’ve always encouraged me to grow. This lead me to become known in the society, so I set up my social media pages and from there I started growing gradually.

I’m here today thanks to Al Raffd Fund. The government is always seeking to support the young generation to follow their passion, but one needs to work hard combining your talent on a dream in order to make it come alive.

Do you see a change in trends and approach to fashion in Oman?

Oman’s style is always simple and traditional; yet so diverse that you cannot get caught up in one trend or style. Recently, many traditional styles are being converted into modern dresses. I see that a shift from traditional to modern is definitely happening.

Tell us about your latest collection.

My latest collection was inspired by the Omani bride. The concept was to design traditional dresses combining it with a modern touch to suit young brides who dream of their big day. The colours are the usual ones that Oman brides wear – green, red and blue.

What skills must one possess to pursue a career in fashion design?

Time management is very important in order to manage all urgent and important tasks. Also, consistency and mindfulness are great skills to try to develop.

Any advice for young, aspiring fashion designers out there?

Never give up on your dreams and aspirations. Be consistent and always work towards small goals in order to achieve big dreams!

Follow Meera on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/meeraalhamadani/

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