With virtual reality (VR) poised to become a potential game changer in the field of medicine, China has become an early adopter of Virtual Reality psychiatry on the large scale. Virtual Reality Psychiatry involves patients being immersed in simulations, where they experience situations that seem real, which in turn helps them manage their physical and emotional responses to the challenging situation their brain is exposed to. For example, a person with PTSD may be immersed into a virtual reality simulation of the event that caused the trauma to help alter their response to the incident. Such treatments are said to yield quick and long-lasting results.
Children’s health can be affected by Dad’s lifestyle choices

While the focus has largely been on a mother’s health during pregnancy in correlation to a child’s wellbeing, a new study revealed that a father’s lifestyle choices, even before conception, play a huge role in a baby’s future health. The research focused on good lifestyle choices like diet and exercises and also took into account smoking and drinking habits. The results show that a man’s poor lifestyle choices affect his genes, which can lead to birth defects, obesity and mental illness in children. The study also found that a father’s age is a contributing factor to the health of a child. Post-birth, the father’s choices and body image will also significantly affect the child’s health as children tend to imitate them.
Good health dosage: two hours a week with nature

While it’s a given that spending time outdoors can boost health, what exactly is the prescribed amount of time that can provide health benefits? Two hours per week, reveals a massive study – based on data from nearly 20,000 people – led by University of Exeter. People visiting parks, beaches and the woods for at least 120 minutes per week showed greater likelihood of good health and psychological wellbeing than those not exposed to nature. The study found that it didn’t matter whether the 120 minutes was spent outdoors at a stretch or in shorter bursts, but that doing so significantly reduced stress.
The act of giving benefits overall wellbeing

It’s no secret that generosity is its own kind of medicine. To reaffirm the same, a research suggested that the act of giving is beneficial to one’s overall health. Not only does it have a positive effect on the health of the person at the receiving end – for example, providing an elderly or sick person with assistance – it also helps decrease stress in the ‘giver’; it lets them experience pure joy and ensures the maintenance of lower blood pressure levels. The study found that giving is considered to be a vital part of our social fabric and has long-term effects on mental health, emotional wellbeing and physical longevity.