‘Our body is full of miracles and signs; one needs to think, realise and contemplate its structure and function… There is so much more to discover about human body secrets,’ concludes ‘Miracles of your Body’, a book by Dr. Saleh Al Hinai, which takes the reader on a journey through his/her body. A journey in which many miracles and wonders are waiting to appear, he maintains.
Talking about his personal journey that led him to the compilation of the book, which expounds the miraculous connect between the bodily organs and the infinite powers of the Creator in shaping the body, Dr. Saleh, Senior Consultant Family Physician and Sultan Qaboos University graduate, states: “My journey started immediately after graduation from medical school. When I joined clinical practice and started seeing patients, I realised that something was missing as far as holistic patient care is concerned. By no means can one treat a patient as a physical body alone. He or she has something else that is as important as his/her body – it’s his/her soul, emotions, faith, feelings…”
It was this observation and analysis that made him realise that the bodily issues cannot be managed with drugs alone. “I started thinking about how I can help my patients to improve their healing and live a better life; and the answer was right there – their body itself!” he quips.
The miracle called body
“God has created our body in a well organised, synchronised and amazing way; one that most people may not even realise. Exploring and discovering various miracles of your body may just inspire you and push your thinking to be positive. For, you are a very important person and a very distinct creature. Therefore, you will start initially protecting this body from harm and promoting it to a better physical and mental status, and, towards this, you will start building your surroundings and helping others to build theirs as well. The final result will be communities full of peace and happiness,” explains Dr. Saleh.
As an abstract of his book states, ‘You will be surprised to know that each of your kidneys has one million nephrons, one million arteries and one million veins. You will see how your eye operates with 130 million rods and 7 million cones located in its retina for light intensity and colours, respectively. You will witness miraculous actions and procedures that have been taking place in your body since the first day of your life. Your body could be considered as a whole other world with its own set of infrastructure, transport system, factories, buildings, etc…’
The larger picture then is to draw attention to one’s mental faculties to connect with bodily well being, maintains Dr. Saleh, a member of Oman Medical Specialty Board and member of Royal College of General Practitioners, UK. Reflecting on the personal lessons that he has incorporated into the book, he states, “As a physician with an experience of more than 20 years, I have come across many cases and have several memories of my patients and their families. They have shared with me their various happiness and sad occasions and moments. Those experiences were very valuable, as one cannot find them elsewhere. I tried to incorporate some in my book, wherever relevant. They could be considered as practical live examples for some of the book topics.”
What then is required to realise the miracles that our body is capable of creating? Would such a realisation help build self-confidence and experience emotional and mental wellbeing?
“First of all, know your body with some details – by reading books that explore such miracles – and then try to think about them. You may get help from a friend with the same interest and/or better experience. Then observe yourself mentally, socially, emotionally…for any change. Try to practice other health-promoting methods as well, like travelling, helping others, meditation, etc. They all complement each other,” suggests Dr. Saleh, pointing out that “Food is the fuel for the body systems and organs; reading is the fuel for intellectual capabilities; exercising, travelling, helping others, and meditating are fuel for both,”

His value education for self-growth is simple: “Think positively all the time; believe in God for a better path in life; and try to teach and encourage others to think positively as well.”
Highlighting the role of positive thinking in healing, he says, “Many scientific studies have proven the positive relationship between positive thinking and healing. It is now becoming an important role in patient management plans. I have used it with almost all of my patients and it has worked well. The chemistry of the body is changing during the positive thinking process and many chemical substances are released as a bodily reaction (e.g. brain will release endorphins and serotonin).”
So, what then are some of the challenges/stumbling blocks that come in the way of general progress in life? “Finding proper resources and experts in the field that connects medicine and faith,” opines Dr. Saleh.
To combat the personal challenges he faces as a medical expert and an author, he is constantly scouring the net to glean information. “I counter the challenges by searching for proper resources and experts through internet or by networking with people who have the potential for similar interests,” he notes.
Dr. Saleh’s advice to stay positive and motivated
“Life is complex. People in this life are on a journey. They will stop one day in a station, but life will go on. There is no need to carry the universe on one’s head. Each one has a certain mission and has the capabilities to fulfil it.
“Believe in yourself; do your best and expect the best. Do not consider your failures as failures – instead, consider them as learning experiences. Trying to help people feel and live happily is the most important thing; it is what will make you happy too.

“Holy Month of Ramadhan is a great opportunity to raise our mental health and live an enriched life, as God appreciates people’s good works and acts more now than in any other month of the year; rewarding you with mercy, peace, and tranquillity.”