Music instead of a beeping alarm can make you feel more alert is the news. Australian researchers found that the kind of alarm tune or beep people wake up to can regulate their moods and how easily they wake up. Harsher alarms which involve loud beeps and angry tones can leave a person feeling groggy and not well-rested, while waking up to a soothing, melodious tune can help one wake up instantly and feel more alert throughout the day. The study’s findings also discussed that melodious alarms help to counteract the symptoms of sleep inertia or the grogginess we feel when we wake up which normally lasts up to 30 minutes, but can last for up to 4 hours.
Chemicals in cosmetics linked to increased risk of autism

According to a new study, exposure in the womb to a group of chemicals called phthalates is associated with autism traits in boys between the ages of 3 and 4. Phthalates are commonly present in many products like soaps and cosmetics. It was also found that fewer of these traits were found in boys whose mothers consumed the recommended amount of folic acid during the first trimester. The study observed 2,001 mothers in their first trimester and collected information from questionnaires, medical charts, and maternal blood and urine specimens during pregnancy and at delivery.
Poor sleep could affect your diet

A study by researchers at Columbia University Irving Medical Centre have found that a lack of sleep could result in overeating and a poor diet in women. The study included 495 women, aged 20 to 76, from a diverse range of ethnic backgrounds and analysed their sleep, taking into consideration their sleep quality, how long they took to fall asleep and insomnia; and eating habits including what they eat typically and amounts. The results showed that women who experienced worse sleep quality tended to consume more added sugars and those who took longer to sleep tended to eat more both in terms of calories and the amount consumed.
Common cleaning products may increase risk of asthma in infants

Children exposed to common cleaning products during their infancy could be at a greater risk of asthma and could experience recurrent wheezing. Scented and sprayed cleaning products seem to be the culprits for these respiratory issues, a study found. The study examined 2,000 infants within 4 months of age, and then again when they turned 3. It also observed how often households were cleaned, the different products used and whether the exposure to cleaning product use differed significantly in early life.