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Musical Paradise with Claudia Reynaldo

Journeying through music from a young age, Claudia Reynaldo followed her dreams and fulfilled her passion as a musician and continues to do so each day as she tells us in this exclusive interview

Living life on the edge and working towards your passion is a brave quality that everyone wishes to possess but only a few actually do. Claudia Reynaldo is one such woman who believes in the power of dreaming big and doing everything in her power to make it a reality. Although originally Cuban, Claudia has been living in Oman for the past seven years. She is an events coordinator and an incredible musician specialising in lead guitars and bass. Known as a lover of the arts “in all its various forms,” as she claims, we caught up with Claudia to give you the story of her journey full of passion, music, and dreams.

How and when did you discover you were inclined towards music?

I discovered my inclination towards music at a young age. I had this music teacher teaching at my primary school every afternoon for extracurricular music lessons, basically a choir, and I never missed a single class; at the time, I was around seven years old. Then, at around eight years old I started to learn guitar in a musical centre near my home and since then, I never stopped.

When did music become a full-blown passion and how does it make you feel?

At the age of ten, my Mum realised that I was really into music and so we decided to pursue music and a professional music career. I gave the exams required to enrol in a music school in Havana, and ever since, it has been my full-time passion.     

What was the reason for choosing instruments like the guitar and bass?

Musical Paradise with musician Claudia Reynaldo

My first choice was the guitar, the bass came way later. It all began pretty early in my life, when I was little, my grandfather would build a small guitar for each of his grandchildren – this was my starting point. I must mention, I was the only one in the family who used this to learn music and follow my passion and take it to the professional level.     

Can you please share any personal challenges you might have faced when you chose to venture into music?

To be honest I haven’t experienced any personal challenges. Fortunately, my career path is currently smooth and pleasant to follow. In my home country Cuba, music is taken very seriously, and I always have had great opportunities for growth and the same is true here in Oman. However, sometimes I have witnessed how this career is taken lightly and for granted. Plenty of times, we are asked to perform for free or at a menial wage, which is a complete disregard for all the years of study and effort put in by artists. I believe this is a general challenge that artists in this industry face.          

How is the music scene in the country, and how do you put yourself out there as an artist?

I believe Oman is still limited in terms of music. However, I’ve seen a lot of positive changes during my stay in this country. Luckily, I work at Tunes Trading and Services company, the company focuses on promoting music and artists all the time. I’ve had great opportunities throughout the year.     

What are some of the creative challenges you face as a musician?

As musicians, we are sometimes expected to perform in a certain way or a specific kind of music which can sometimes pose barriers, since we cannot perform our own music or the music we prefer. But this comes with the job as we’re entertainers. We follow what our clients seek.          

Musical Paradise with musician Claudia Reynaldo

Who are your musical inspirations and why?

There are so many talented artists out there that inspire me, I don’t follow a specific type of music or artists. I believe I draw inspiration from all the different forms of music and art in general.

Where can people look out for your talent? Are there any regular gigs, a social media page or such that people can follow?

At the moment, in Oman, you can find me every Friday at the Blu Bar Restaurant, at the Al Bustan Hotel. I have been performing there regularly with a Latin/Spanish Style band. To keep up with me and my work, you can find me on common social media channels such as Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube, all of them under the name @ClaudiaReynaldo – I keep posting videos as well as updates about my live gigs.

Apart from the guitar and bass, are there any other instruments that you play?

I studied at Amadeo Roldan Conservatory of Music in Havana where the piano was a compulsory subject for all musicians studying at the institute, so I do know a little bit about the piano. Additionally, I had to learn how to play the double bass for a band I was gigging within Cuba. Apart from this, I can also play a few chords on the ukulele.

Has your own culture influenced the decisions you make as a musician? How does your own culture and the one of Oman influence your artistry?

My culture has influenced my decisions as a musician. Cuba is a very musical country with African and Spanish roots which have quipped me with a mixed set of abilities that I always bring in my performances. I also think that Omani culture has strong African roots and that’s probably why Latin music is well appreciated here. Without a doubt, I have taken inspiration from their various rhythmic and melodic works and incorporated it within my music.

What was the journey from being a girl with dreams to making them come true?

The journey has not come to an end yet. So far, I feel it has been a smooth transition and I have accomplished great things within my passion, but I keep wanting and pushing for new things, with a mindset to learn and always challenge myself. I began my musical career at the age of ten, and till today, I continue to grow in this aspect of my life.

Where do you plan on taking your musical journey in the future? Any exciting projects we need to look out for?

I am really looking forward to releasing my own music, and partner with different artists to collaborate with them. At the moment I am just finding my own voice and producing music on the go. Keep connected with me through my social media for new musical works.

What advice would you give to budding musicians? I would advise all budding musicians to be active all the time. Find what motivates you as this will keep you going. If you want to succeed at anything, it is important to remain inspired. Most importantly, never stop playing and always enjoy what you’re doing!

<strong>Up, Close, and Personal with Claudia Reynaldo</strong>

The home I grew up in… is so beautiful.

When I was a child, I wanted to… be alone watching TV.

My greatest inspiration… so many people inspired me, I could not say.

My heroes… my Mother.

If I could change one thing about myself… I would not change a thing; I am pretty happy with myself.

I dream of… having my own small business.

It is not fashionable, but… I like it and is comfortable.

You may not know it, but I am no good at… running, studying on my own before an exam.

You may not know it, but I am good at… listening.

If I have time to myself… I will do more music and spend time with my close friends.

My house is… very luminous.

My favourite holiday destination… Anywhere with a nice warm beach and a cool reef to snorkel (Cuba, Oman, Egypt).

My favourite weekend spot in Oman… any open area for camping, swimming, chilling, and listen to music.


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