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Noora Karim: Blending Tradition & Modernity

The charming Noora Karim, the brains and creativity behind Khalijia Boutique, tells FACES about the influence of Oman’s traditional costumes on her designs

A tryst with fashion that began while she was still at school. An educational background in human resources that continues to make her proud. And a fashion brand that celebrates Oman’s traditions while embracing international trends and cultures. The story of Noora Karim is one of true inspiration. She has braved storms, faced challenges head on and has worked hard to make Khalijia Boutique – an Omani brand for women who want to feel special on special occasions – the well known and loved fashion label it is today! Read on to find out all about her journey, what inspires her and her advice for aspiring designers…

When did you know that fashion was your calling? 

It was always a dream that I wished to make happen since my childhood. In 2004, when I was still studying in secondary school, I opened a small home business for my family and friends. During this period, I gained a lot of experience and made several local connections. I continued to work, until the dream came true when I established my own brand Khalijia Boutique in 2011.

Where does Noora Karim find inspiration for her designs?

From the different clothing cultures of the world which attract me. I’m also inspired by local and international fashion lines or trends.

Tell us about current fashion trends in Oman.

Oman is a country that preserves its heritage, customs and traditions. However, with progress and development, a lot of changes have been made to the old traditional Omani costume. The Omani traditional dress has evolved with the addition of crystals and embroidery details.

Do you think there is potential for young designers to create their niche in Oman’s fashion industry?

Fashion design is growing rapidly in Oman these days and there are many fashion designers who have proven themselves internationally. Sure, young Omani designers can make their mark, as they have the competence and potential to offer something new in the world of fashion.

What advice do you have for young designers who are just starting out?

It is very important for any fashion designer to be creative, innovative and have different ways to differentiate his/her brand from those of other designers. It is essential for them to learn the basics and have a strong foundation. And they need to devise an innovative marketing strategy. I wish everyone success!

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