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Of Human-like Robots and Cancer Tests

Human-like robots spark fascination and fear

A humanoid robot named Erica and others like her are a prime focus of robotic research. Their uncanny human form, say researchers, could be a key to integrating them into our lives. According to them, the key here is to make them look and act more human so that they are accepted more easily into our lives. Hiroko Kamide, a Japanese psychologist who specialises in relations between humans and robots, believes that in an ageing society, ‘robots will coexist with humans sooner or later’. Attention now is on developing multipurpose machines that are capable of interacting with humans without being dangerous to them.

Sans Forgetica – a font that helps you remember

A team of researchers in Australia have come up with a new type font called Sans Forgetica. Its purpose is to help readers remember what has been written using it. The team behind the new font, which was developed with help from creative agency Naked, claims it is the first font ever developed that helps people remember what they have read.

The idea for the font came about as part of an effort to boost memory retention for students studying material for their coursework. The research team combined the expertise of behavioral scientists with design specialists to develop a font that is reasonably pleasing to the eye while inducing retention improvement. They came up with a slew of fonts that they thought might help with memory retention.

Portable cancer test

To ensure early diagnosis of cancer, a team of researchers is creating a new cancer-spotting tool that health care providers could eventually use in places that lack hospitals, clinics and other treatment centers. The tool is based upon a unique gold biosensor the research team created. When paired with a computer or smartphone and other inexpensive tools, the system is capable of spotting cancer biomarkers from a blood sample. Overall results show the system is comparable in sensing accuracy to common cancer diagnostic tests, such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).


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