From playing professional soccer to managing hotel recreation to teaching diving to structuring bespoke fitness workouts… FitnessGuru Chad Zlateff’s chequered career has been anything but dull.
As the owner and head trainer of FitnessGuru Oman at present, it is all the more fascinating, with sporting activities jostling for space in his busy one-to-one training circuits and event management of the fitness kind. Having popularised the concept of individual training that takes away the drudgery of driving to a gym, finding a parking lot and then enduring the furtive glances from other users in the gym, he has, in many a ways, elevated workout from its confined setup to one that spells fun in the outdoors. He has brought to FitnessGuru Oman his long association with sports by crafting individual workout programmes to inspire healthier lifestyle.
He says, “My career has always been somehow around the fitness/sport discipline. I have played soccer at the professional level, coached children in almost any sport, worked intensively with the Special Olympics gymnastics in the USA, alongside my late mother… I always enjoy a new challenge.”
His idea of coaching is all about constantly challenging and pushing the trainee to be a better person; one who has well imbibed the never-give-up attitude. “Failure is not an option!” he states.
Chad, who has been in Oman for close to a decade, has made personal training his fitness mantra. This is reflective of his serious sporting background, which began when he started playing professional soccer in college. He continued playing even after, but his restless spirit was yearning for a change and he retired from soccer to move to Oman, where he joined Shangri-La’s Barr Al Jissah Resort & Spa as the recreational director. A short stint later, he moved to his first love, sports – this time to diving. And since, as he puts it, he has “taught diving in almost every centre in Oman”.
Shortly after, FitnessGuru happened. “The idea is to give individual attention,” he states, pointing out that the outfit is flexible enough to accommodate groups of four or even larger, if the candidates require it. This has proven to be a boon for fitness enthusiasts who are otherwise restricted by their work schedules and time. As the FitnessGuru website states, they can transform any space into training ground. “The trainers are available 7 days a week, from as early as 6am to as late as 8pm. Whether you are 08 or 80, beach bum or aspiring athlete, we are here to help to unleash your inner FitnessGuru.”
FitnessGuru has also opened its first independent Spinning Studio, which allows clients the facility of enjoying classes on a pay-as-you-go basis. It is a high intensity bike based workout – great for burning calories and toning. It also offers individually tailored yoga classes and has, under its wings, an expert swimming centre.
Since its inception in February 2016, FitnessGuru, which is based in Jebel Sifah, has taken on the responsibility of meeting the demands of all types of clients – from injury rehabilitation and training for events to losing weight and maintaining the shape. Plans are on now to make the concept of one-stop shop for all fitness requirements a reality. Talking about his future plans, Chad states: “I am working towards a complete fitness company, including nutritionists. There will be supplement shops, various sport-specific training programmes, and, possibly, even rehabilitation services. I expect the road to success to be bumpy, but then nothing comes easy in this world!”
Chad, who lives here with his wife Mareike and two little children (4-year old daughter Zeeva and 3-year old son Rhys), attributes his passion for fitness and his goal-driven training programmes to the positivity he experiences in Oman, the country he has made home for the last ten years.
The home I grew up in… Was filled with love and companionship
When I was a child I wanted to… Be a professional soccer player (achieved).
The moment that changed me forever… Being at my mother’s side at her passing! It made me realise the importance of family!
My greatest inspiration… Is my wife! She does an amazing job balancing so many responsibilities.

My hero… Steve Gleason! He has shown the world that you should Never Give Up #nowhiteflags.
If I could change one thing about myself… I would change my endless desire for chocolate.
I dream of… Watching my children grow up! With the modern work demands, there is just not enough time in the day.
What I see when I look in the mirror… A dreamer. I have dreams and I will stop at nothing to make them happen.
It’s not fashionable but I like… Trail running shoes. Though not attractive, but necessary!
My greatest regret… Not being nearer to my mom in her last years, to give her time with her grandchildren.
You may not know it but I’m no good at… Paperwork!
You may not know it but I’m very good at… Procrastinating.
If I have time to myself… I am running, training, or sound asleep
My house is… Cosy.
My favourite haunt/holiday destination… Indonesia.
My favourite weekend spot in Oman… The Daymaniyat Islands.
I will not leave my house without… Phone, 5 to 6 changes of clothes, food for the day, lots of water, sunglasses.
Five things I like about Oman… The ocean, the beach, scuba diving, friends, the mountains.
On top of my wish/bucket list is… Diving the Socorro islands of Mexico.
My success mantra is… Nobody Cares, Work Harder!
In 10 years’ time, I hope to be… Enjoying a bit more free time with my amazing family!