A couple that works out together has a better chance of sustaining the routine – agree? Fitness experts believe that individuals that pair up to workout can easily intensify your commitment to meet the target and also help to incorporate a definite structure to follow. It could be a friend, your spouse or a member of the family who could act as your workout partner to ensure that there is extra accountability to stick to the routine, while injecting the right amount of competitiveness to make both of you work that much harder.
Most workouts are flexible enough to be adaptable for couples; however, here are some of the tried and tested twosome workouts to get you started, so pair up now…
Light Workouts

Like any workout programme, begin your twosome exercise regime with a warm-up session. Start with light squat jumps for 20 reps – do light jumps for 8 counts, followed by a deep squat with abs tightened and chest lifted – before proceeding to push ups with a fun twist. Do 10 reps of push-ups with high-fives on one side; then swap the side with your partner and repeat for another 10. Keep the abs engaged and increase the tempo to get more out of your workout. Alternately, you could do a five-minute workout together by jogging in place or by doing low step ups.
Medicine Ball Workout
The popular over-under workout with medicine ball or dumbbell will target your shoulders, core muscles and legs. Pair up and begin by standing back to back with one foot distance between the two. Place your feet wider than shoulder-width apart and hold the dumbbell or the ball with both your hands. Now squat, so your backs are inches away, and pass the ball from between the legs to your partner. Then both of you stand up and let your partner pass the ball back to you overhead. This completes one rep. Do 20 such reps by switching directions so both of you get to do the under and overhead passes.
You could also try out this other medicine ball workout that requires you to stand back-to-back, before getting into a low squat with thighs parallel to the floor. Hold the ball at your chest level and rotate your upper torso to hand the ball to your partner over the left side. Your partner will take the ball and pass it over to you from the left side by rotating the torso. Take the ball from your right side and repeat the steps for 10 reps before changing the directions.
Flat Back Chair
Keep your back flat and squat to make an imaginary chair. Then lock your right hand with your partners, while twisting and touching the floor with the other. Release the hands and do the same with the left hands, while touching the floor with the right. Ensure that your knees are bent in such a way that they are directly over the ankles. Do 20 reps and enjoy the fun workout.
Cross Jump Lunges
The cross jump lunge will bring in a cardio element to your workout; it will also help you challenge each other to lunge deeper and exceed the stipulated 20 reps. Pair up and stand facing your partner with enough gap to ensure that your knees don’t touch each other but your hands meet in the centre. Now lunge forward with your right foot as the left hands meet in the centre. Follow that by bringing your left foot forward, with right hands meeting in the centre. Repeat in quick succession to make it effective.
Jump Squat and High Five
Jump squat will heighten the tempo of your workout and add to the momentum of the jump lunge in the previous workout. The idea is to jump and squat on both sides, with a high-five added when you face each other. Jumping and squatting requires you to spring from your feet and do the jumps simultaneously, which means you both stick to the same speed and even prod the other to meet your speed level if you are more agile.
Wheelbarrow Push-Up

There are two ways you could do the wheelbarrow push-up. The challenging wheelbarrow push-up requires one of you to take the plank position and the other to squat wide with arms folded. For the push-ups, the one in the plank position places the feet on either side of the squatting partner’s thighs, before doing the push-up and the squats. Another way to do is to create a wheelbarrow stance by holding the ankles of the partner who is in a plank position. The idea is to bend over from hips, with arms straight, as the partner doing plank bends elbows and lowers chest towards the floor; follow that by straightening up as the partner straightens arm. Switch the position after 20 reps.