Pecans are a health powerhouse. The minerals found in pecans help maintain and improve cognitive function. Pecans also contain antioxidants that help control the free radical damage that can lead to inflammation. And they’re a great source of copper and manganese, two hard-to-get trace minerals essential for bone health. The fibre in pecans contributes to good digestion and a healthy weight, and it can improve blood sugar levels by slowing the body’s absorption of sugar. Plus, pecans contain vitamin A, which protects the skin from premature ageing, and zinc and vitamin E, which help keep skin clear.
A banana every night can keep insomnia away

Bananas can contribute to high-quality sleep, says science. Though potassium is a great source of protein, excellent for regulating the heartbeat and for helping muscle and nerve function, it also makes sleep quality better. Potassium induces muscle relaxation by helping to create an electrical conduction system throughout our cells. This process is very important to the deep sleep stages. Bananas are also rich sources for two naturally occurring sedatives: tryptophan and magnesium.
Our bodies process tryptophan and turn it into a vitamin B called niacin. Niacin is seminal in the development of serotonin and the regulation of melatonin, which is the hormone that controls sleep-wake cycles. Bananas have also been shown to ease digestion because they contain starches that reduce inflammation and promote healthy intestinal function.
Eat cashews and lose weight

Cashews are delicious, but do you know how good they can be for your health? Not only are cashews high in protein, fibre and healthy fats, but they also contain a wide range of vitamins and minerals that can benefit your body. While cashews taste ultra-rich, you may be surprised to learn that they actually have slightly less fat and calories than many other popular nuts, like almonds, peanuts, and walnuts. A study reveals that people who regularly munch on nuts are more likely to maintain a healthy weight than those who don’t. This could be because nuts are incredibly satiating (thanks to a powerhouse combo of protein, fibre, and fats), thereby promoting weight loss.
Drink more water and reduce heart failure risk

Drinking eight glasses of water a day throughout your life could reduce the risk of heart failure 25 years later, according to new research. According to the study, staying well hydrated throughout life could reduce the risk of developing heart failure. The findings, presented on August 24 at the European Society of Cardiology Congress 2021, suggest that maintaining good hydration can slow down or even prevent changes within the heart that lead to heart failure. The recommended amount of fluid for men is about 15.5 cups (3.7 litres) for men and 11.5 cups (2.7 litres) of fluids a day for women. That includes all beverages (not just water) and even food; about 20 per cent of your fluid intake comes from food.
Sugar detox will melt over 12 pounds in a week

If your waist keeps expanding despite your best efforts, “a gentle sugar detox can make all the difference,” insists nutrition expert Tosca Reno, the mega-selling author of The Eat-Clean Diet. “There’s sugar in 80 percent of the food on supermarket shelves. So, we may not realise it, but most of us are in the grips of sugar addiction.” Studies show that, like opioid drugs, sugar hijacks the brain’s pleasure centre, stoking constant cravings. The average person now consumes 152 pounds of sugar per year, an excess that wreaks havoc on body chemistry and leads to fatigue, rapid belly fat storage, blocked fat loss, and a high risk for many diseases. Tosca’s strategy is simple and soothing: You enjoy five to six small sittings a day, each packed with protein, good fat, fibre and antioxidants. These nutrients make meals and snacks exceptionally filling. Plus, you get one every two to three hours, “so there’s no hunger, no psychological sense of going without.”