Phubbing On Relationships


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Effects Of Phubbing On Relationships

Research has proven what is an obvious after-effect of phubbing. For the uninitiated, phubbing refers to ignoring the person you are with, in a social setting, so as concentrate on your mobile phone. Researchers found that phubbing can have a negative effect on relationships by threatening our basic need to belong. They studied the effects of being phubbed on individuals in a one-to-one situation and found that it negatively affected the way the person being phubbed felt about their interaction with the other person. The study also found that the level of phubbing increased when people experienced greater threats to their fundamental needs. They also perceived the communication quality to be poorer, and the relationship to be less satisfying.

High Blood Pressure Risk From Grilled Meat

The barbecue season may be fading fast, but if you are one of those who finds ways to grill and roast meat, season or not, a new study about the risks arising from consuming grilled meat might just put a brake on it. While medical experts had already proven that cooking meat at high temperatures can cause potentially cancer-causing chemicals to form, the new study has found that cooking meat over an open-flame or at high temperatures, as in grilling, barbecuing, broiling and roasting, might raise the risk of developing high blood pressure. Moderation is, of course, the key to minimise the risk, as the study found the risk highest among people who ate grilled food 15 times a month.

Knee Pain May Be Linked To Depression

That aches and pains have psychological connection has been well established by mental health experts, but that precise pains might be linked to specific disorders, is a new finding. Researchers studying knee osteoarthritis have found a link between knee pain or impaired knee function and depression. They concluded that knee pain brought on by osteoarthritis can make self care difficult, altering the quality of life and thereby leading to depression. The study of 573 people found that nearly 12 percent of them had developed symptoms of depression during the course of the study period. This was more acute among older adults who had pain at night, when putting on socks, or while getting in or out of a car.

Qsun UV Tracker

The QSun UV tracker analyses skin tones for personalised sun safety advice, ensuring that you get your adequate share of exposure to sun. For both, too little or too much of Vitamin D, can affect your health. The tracker is designed to keep a tab on the sun exposure and alert you when it is time to seek shade. It analyses your skin type and your environmental situation, via a Smartphone app, to offer sun safety advice that is best suitable for you. The personalised sunscreen advice is based on your size and the clothes you are wearing; it will also alert you when your skin needs a reapplication of the sunscreen. It is a small device that can be clipped onto your clothes or any item on you that is facing the sun.

Low Back Pain: Main Cause Of Disability

Despite the health warning that low back pain is the main cause of disability, most people are either getting wrong or poor treatment for it, suggests a survey. According to the study, most doctors tend to prescribe painkillers for back pain instead of recommending physical therapy and exercise, which is effective in the long run. People engaged in physically demanding jobs, having physical and mental comorbidities, smokers and ones who are obese, are at greatest risk of reporting low back pain, which worsens with age. Studies suggest physical therapy, psychological counselling, stretching, massage and other non-invasive treatments to help alleviate the problem.

Bedside Charts Help Pain In Cancer Patients

A simple bedside chart can do wonders in easing pain of patients with cancer, states a study. Researchers worked with medical practitioners to develop the Edinburgh Pain Assessment and Management Tool (a pen and paper chart used by medical staff to record pain levels in a simple traffic light system), with amber or red pain levels, indicating moderate or severe pain, prompting doctors to review medications and monitor the patient’s pain more closely. The study found that patients who used the chart reported less pain during the trial period, compared with patients with standard care. The idea, note researchers, is about putting pain management at the forefront of routine care.

Forget Dieting And Eat Regularly

Forget dieting, eat regularly: that is the advice for people seeking long term success in weight management. A study assessing the common factors that helped people succeed in long term weight management found that eating regularly, rather than dieting, was the most important one. People who try to reduce weight by dieting and skipping meals are, inadvertently, accelerating their fat accumulation than preventing it, stated a researcher. What is then important is to understand the factors underlying weight management, which brings the focus to physical activity and healthy eating habits – the two factors for long term weight management.

Effects Of Noisy Workplace On Your Heart

Noise can have adverse effect on your health – and not just your hearing. A new study has found a link between loud noise at workplace and high blood pressure as well as high cholesterol. Based on this, researchers are urging for worksite health and wellness programmes to include screenings for high blood pressure and cholesterol among employees exposed to noise. Surprisingly, many individuals with high blood pressure or cholesterol also reported noise exposure, thus confirming the strong association between the health ailment and the environmental factor.

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