Physical activity may help teens sleep longer. In an interesting new study, researchers found that when teenagers got more physical activity than they usually did, they got to sleep earlier, slept longer and slept better that night. The research team found that for every extra hour of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, the teens fell asleep 18 minutes earlier, slept 10 minutes longer and had about one percent greater sleep maintenance efficiency that night. They also found that being sedentary more during the day was associated with worse sleep health. When participants were sedentary for more minutes during the day, they fell asleep and woke up later but slept for a shorter amount of time overall.
Children exposed to nature have better mental health
Adults who were in close contact with natural spaces during their childhood may have a better mental health than those who had less contact, states a new study. Exposure to natural outdoor environments with a bit of physical activity has been associated with several health benefits, including a better cognitive development and better mental and physical health. Until recently, few, if any, studies have explored the impact of childhood exposure to natural environments on mental health and vitality in adulthood. The questionnaire based study showed that he adults who were less exposed to natural spaces during their childhood had lower scores in mental health tests, compared to those with higher exposure.
Virtual reality to help seniors with dementia
Using virtual reality (VR) technology could help better the quality of life for people with dementia, says a new study. Researchers used VR devices on eight patients who were retained in a psychiatric facility. These patients, who had a mean age of 69 years, all live with dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease and Huntington’s disease. Each participant used a VR headset to visit five virtual locations. These included countryside, a sandy beach, a rocky beach, a cathedral, and a forest. The patients got to choose their environment on their own and the research team found that VR helped the participants recall old memories and improved their social interaction. Generally speaking, better quality of life has been shown to reduce levels of anxiety, depression, and hostility within wards, the study found.
Daily weight check could prevent weight gain
Surprising as it may sound, weighing yourself every day could help check any weight gain, especially during a holiday, states a new research. As a part of the study, participants were asked to weigh themselves with varying degrees of frequency over a three-month period (November to January). They were told to try and maintain their initial weight throughout the study period, choosing whatever method they wished for the same. At the end of the study period, those who weighed themselves every day and got a graphical representation of their weight changes either maintained the same weight they had at baseline or lost weight, either by exercising more or watching what they ate.