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They are young, free and raring to go…into the big, challenging world of business and sow their seeds of entrepreneurship, with ideals of innovation in their veins

Power of Youth Special

With the recent study from National Centre for Statistics and Information (NCSI) confirming the obvious growing interest among young Omanis to initiate their own home-grown businesses, FACES throws the spotlight on the power of youth who have the gumption and the verve to get out and do their thing. According to NCSI, as many as 70 percent of higher education students are contemplating business ventures to secure their place in the country’s rapidly changing economic horizon. While that figure is bound to change with many new graduates seeking secure government jobs or lucrative private sector employment, it does portend well for a nation that is relying on its power of youth to draw a more vibrant economic sketch in the coming years. 

FACES salutes this new generation of young Omanis; they are on the threshold of newer paths that will shape their future and help them explore their potentials in the big complex world of business. This issue is dedicated to the spirit of adventure and confidence among the youth; it is a celebration of their go-getter attitude that will establish their role in creating newer economic paradigms of growth and development.

The Cover Story, in particular, is a tribute to young entrepreneurs and power of youth, as it charts four success stories of young Omanis who have dared to walk along the road less travelled to create interesting avenues of business to inspire others and create a benchmark of excellence. In the Spotlight of this issue is EQ Café, which has been doing its bit to develop emotional intelligence and underscore the need for innovation. Youth-oriented topics keep the mood upbeat all through this issue. Read on and feel the exuberance and power of youth come alive.

Health & Wellness Special

You can visit the FACES Magazine, Oman bookshelf to check our back issues.

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