Push-ups for a stronger heart


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Push-ups and heart health

The number of push-ups one can do may be indicative of one’s heart health, notes a new study. Researchers have found a correlation between the number of push-ups and the heart health, indicating that more the number of push-ups one can do, less the likelihood of having a heart attack or stroke. They found that the risk of cardiovascular disease was 96 percent lower in men who were able to do 40 or more push-ups during a physical test, compared to men who could do 10 or fewer. However, while experts agree that push-up-capacity testing could serve as a valuable way to integrate health initiatives for some people, it’s not an accurate predictor that can be applied across the board.

Diet sodas linked to higher stroke risk in women

A new study has linked diet drinks (two or more per day) to increased cardiovascular risks in post-menopausal women. Researchers found that women who had two or more diet drinks per day, compared to women who had less than one a week or not at all, were significantly more at risk for vascular issues. They were 23 percent more likely to have a stroke, 31 percent more likely to have a clot-caused stroke, 29 percent more likely to develop heart disease, and 16 percent more likely to die, overall. Although the results do not prove diet drinks definitively cause stroke, researchers have pointed out that the study found a correlation between drinking more diet soft drinks and cardiovascular events.

Turkuaz at Al Bustan Palace Hotel


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