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Raptors of Oman Booklet from ESO

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Environment Society of Oman Brings Birds to the Fore with New Booklet. Continuing to raise awareness on the Sultanate’s unique environmental heritage, the Environment Society of Oman (ESO) has released a new booklet, ‘Raptors of Oman’. Available online for free, the booklet offers an introduction to the various raptors, or birds of prey, found in Oman, their diet, status, and ways to identify them. Written in both English and Arabic, it includes fun illustrations to appeal to children, too. Made possible with proceeds from the ‘Wild Oman’ art exhibition by Violet Astor, this booklet is part of ESO’s efforts to engage the public and bolster Oman’s conservation commitment to the important raptors that live here seasonally or year-round.

OABC Invites Omani Businesses to Attend Free Session on Exporting to the USA

The Oman American Business Center (OABC) will host a free informational session for Omani exporters interested in promoting their products in the United States.  The session will discuss how to attend ASD Market Week, one of the oldest and largest consumer trade shows in the U.S., available for online attendance. Though the show was unable to happen in-person, many are anxious to get back to business, which is why the organisers announced plans to launch the Virtual Product Sourcing Platform, from October 2nd to March 2021. This virtual directory gives the 225,000 invited buyers and 2,700 vendors the opportunity to connect and conduct B2B meetings. Buyers can source new products, refill orders and schedule appointments all through the online platform. This virtual platform enables vendors to showcase their full product line in a searchable, easy to navigate directory.

OMRAN Group announces the participation of Muriya Hotels in ‘Within Oman’

OMRAN Group, the executive arm of the Sultanate for tourism development, announced that four more hotels and resorts that are under Muriya, have joined its nationwide promotional campaign #WithinOman. A total of 17 hotels and resorts are now participating in the campaign. This will contribute to achieving the campaign’s objectives of stimulating domestic tourism, through a wide array of special packages and experiences at these hospitality assets across the Sultanate. Through this collaboration, OMRAN Group aims to boost the development and growth of Oman’s tourism sector by working hand in hand with its key partners. Muriya represents the successful partnership between OMRAN Group and Orascom Development Holding (ODH). The company is currently managing the Jebel Sifah development in Muscat and the Hawana Salalah development in Dhofar, which are considered two of the largest integrated tourism complexes in the Sultanate.

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