As the party season comes calling and festive food becomes obligatory, is it any wonder that the body goes on a ‘whatever’ mode? All the festive banquets, year-end get-togethers, family reunions and office parties will have a telling effect on your body, even before the New Year rings in – if you do not take stock now, that is.
So, if you are willing to give in to some expert advice and make smarter decisions, you could prevent the festive season from giving your year-long workout a beating. Make your mind up to not let go of all the hard work during the party season and take stock of all the food and beverages you are bound to tuck into. For starters, get into a detox session even before the banquet invitations come calling…
Here is a little guide to help you sail through the season in one piece:
Food and Nutrition

Consume Fibre: If the line-up of parties looks like a swing towards definite weight gain, start now with fibres in your diet to cleanse your bowel before all the heavy eating and drinking gets started. According to nutritionists, supplementing your diet with fibres will help you digest all the foods and drinks you will be consuming during the festive season; add to that vegetables, as they will provide required nutrients at every meal.

Introduce Festive Foods: Another way to prep up for the party season is to train your body to metabolise foods that are bound to feature in the festive menu – for example, roasted potatoes and fried snacks. As one expert noted, introducing food that is not a part of your regular diet but is expected to be on the party spread, will help the body to be ready for the onslaught of unending canapés, mains and a host of desserts. However, if your body is not able to metabolise them in the early stages of introduction, the best way to tide over the season is to stay away from such foods.
Eat Healthy Fats: Having a bite or two before going out for the party can prove to be a better bet to stay away from consuming all the fried starters and heavy desserts. Eat a meal of healthy fats before stepping out, as they will help in slowing the digestion process. Drinking plenty of water and even herbal tea on the party day will be effective in hydrating your body. On another note, avoid caffeine for a couple of hours or more before the party.

Drink Smoothies Or Juices: Instead of depriving yourself of any specific foods to get in shape for the season, simply add a green fruit or veggie juice/ smoothie at breakfast time. Do this for at least a week before the season and let your body enjoy the fresh fare of nutrients and minerals.
Workout and Training

Morning Exercise: With parties leading to late nights, skipping exercise seems to be the easiest option to make up for lost sleep. But if you want to stay in shape and get set for the new day, make time for that workout and feel energised. Remember, working out in the morning, either on an empty stomach or 3 to 4 hours after eating, is ideal for preparing your body for the season. Besides, it ensures that you are not distracted from your task later in the day. Following the workout, leave a gap of at least half an hour before you eat anything.

Try Pilates: Pilates helps to condition the entire body by focusing on alignment, core strength and breathing. It is aimed at improving muscle control, flexibility, breathing and posture, which will all come in handy during the hectic party season. Although some Pilates classes use special machines, it also includes a host of floor exercises that you could do in the confines of your home. There are a host of online resources to get you started and help you get ready for the big season.
Cardio Sessions: Burn calories by following a 20-minute cardio interval session, as many times as you possibly can during the day. Your objective should be to do as many reps of each exercise – jumping jacks, squat jumps, side-to-side hops and burpees – as you can in one minute, before moving to the next. Follow the set with one-minute rest in between, before repeating the circuit at least 3 to 4 times.

Movement Helps: To keep your body in an active mode, keep moving every half an hour or so. Even indulging in light activities for five minutes in between will help you stay active in the long run.