Reduce Brain Shrinkage with Simple Activities


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According to a new study, simple activities like walking, dancing and gardening may slow brain shrinkage in older adults. Researchers used MRIs to measure the brains of 1,557 people of the average age of 75, who engaged in various levels of activity ranging from inactive to active. The average brain size of those who were active was 883 cubic centimeters compared with 871 cubic centimeters for those who were inactive. Thus the impact of exercise was found to be equivalent to four fewer years of brain aging. Therefore low impact exercise may help to reduce brain shrinkage in seniors.

Air pollution could be the leading global cause for death

Researchers have found that air pollution far surpasses smoking, diseases like malaria and other factors when it comes to causing the most deaths on a global scale. The human influenced factors that intensify air pollution like the burning of fossil fuels in industry and vehicles has significantly affected the health of humans, even children. The study showed that in 2015 alone, over 8.8 million deaths were the consequence of air pollution, shortening global life expectancy by almost three years on an average.

Getting in daily steps could reduce risk of diabetes and high BP

brain shrinkage

A study has found that there is a free and easy way to reduce risk of developing diabetes and high blood pressure in later years – simply get in your daily steps! Walking 10,000 steps a day, whether at home or in the outdoors, is the standard recommendation for fitness. However, the study found that state that middle-aged study participants who walked the most steps per day over an average of 9 years had a 43 percent lower risk of diabetes and a 31 percent lower risk of high blood pressure. Walking about 4,000 to 8,000 steps daily can also help reduce risk of heart disease and other issues.

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