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Resolutions To Help You At All Times

Here are a few resolutions that are generic feel-good resolves that will help you boost happiness, confidence and productivity

I am sure that on looking back at your 2020 resolutions you will see the irony of how every aim and resolution got derailed due to the pandemic. However, now is the time to take stock of what we have learned from the past year and rethink our purpose in life, keeping an eye on what is truly important to us and will help us in the long run.

This year, keep it simple, making sure that the resolutions we come up with make us happy and radiate with positive energy. Start with small things, and let it build to attain bigger goals without losing focus on yourself in the process. Here are some simple resolutions that will improve your confidence, happiness, and productivity.

Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness is the practice of purposely bringing one’s attention to the present moment without judgement, a skill one develops through meditation or other training. Practice a few minutes of mindfulness every day. It could be as easy as paying attention to your breathing or a few minutes of meditation.

Resolutions To Help All Time

Awareness of breathing, meditation, or any other similar activity will help you develop steady attention that is firmly anchored in the present. Mindfulness helps you transform how you relate to present events and experiences. It gives you more “space of being” in a world that is less reactive and generally happier.

Start a journal

Make a goal of setting aside five minutes every day to write a journal, be it in a notebook or the Notes app on your mobile phone. Soon it will become a habit to jot down your thoughts of the day.

It is easier to forget or overlook the good things when you are angry, anxious, or stressed. Writing can make you go back and ponder on what is wrong or missing in your life so that you can rectify or add to it. It will also help you recognise what makes you feel good in life.

Reflect everyday

Reflection is the art of pondering on one’s qualities and faults, in other words, on your thoughts, emotions, and feelings for yourself and others. Reflecting on your actions everyday will help you make positive changes in life as you assess and evaluate the decisions you have made in the past.

Resolutions To Help All Time

It will help you learn from your mistakes and successes, help you relax, generate new ideas, make new connections, and help others. Learning how to reflect on your own life, your experiences, and the lives of others can help you grow as a person and make informed choices to shape your future.

Pick a theme

Pick a focus word or phrase for the year ahead and plan a theme for the year around it. Revolve all your activities around the theme to incorporate it as part of your daily life to attain it. For example, pick the phrase ‘Be Fit’ as your theme for the year. Ask yourself questions like – Am I fit? How will I reach this fitness goal? Will it enhance my life?

Once you have picked you word or phrase make sure that you include one activity related to it per day. This will automatically bring you closer to your goal.

Learn a new skill

The pandemic has misplaced or transformed every individual in some way and has forced them to learn new skills. Many have discovered that they are better at something just because they were forced to do it.

Resolutions To Help All Time

Therefore, choose one skill and develop it, hone it as you will never know when it will help. Take up an online course to increase your knowledge or learn a language. The idea is to learn a new skill that will benefit your career or life through ongoing personal and professional development.

Sophia Raman

A self professed lifestyle guru, Sophia Raman has honed her expertise for beauty and fashion with a natural flair for all things chic and a distinctive style quotient. She is a sophisticated socialite who brings her love for fashion, style and travel to this column. You can follow her on:

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