Life in the retirement path is, seemingly, paved with peace, relaxation and simple pleasures of life. For, isn’t retirement all about doing what you always wanted to do – whether it is going off on a trip somewhere far, taking up a new hobby or waking up at your own sweet time?
Yes…if you have made crucial pre-retirement plans and appropriate adjustments for the years to follow.
Finance would, obviously, top the list of plans required to you’re your retirement a breeze; but even if you have retired by choice and have saved a substantial amount, you would have a whole lot of issues to face, in addition to finances. The absence of a structured schedule to a day does tend to lose its romantic appeal when you are faced with endless hours of nothingness…
Find out how you could make little adjustments to make your retirement years happy and healthy.
Make a budget
Making and sticking to a budget may seem difficult, but that is the ONLY way to initiate your life in the retirement stage. Budgeting will help you maintain the lifestyle you have been accustomed to and stretch your retirement saving. As an expert pointed out, creating a responsible financial plan before retirement will help you track where you are, where you need to go and, also, if you are on track to get there. Identify areas where you can cut back and make a list of expenses that will disappear after retirement. Place extra emphasis on clearing your debts before retirement.
Get a new job
Retirement need not mean complete termination of employment. Take a cue from the movie ‘The Intern’, where Robert De Niro as Ben Whittaker takes on the opportunity to become a senior intern at an online fashion site. If you have the capability to continue working in some capacity, go on, find your calling; it will not only bolster your finances but also help you make the most of your earning life, and clear off the debts, if any. Getting back to the post retirement schedule could be good for your emotional and mental health. You could even look for part time options if you want to pursue some hobby or other.
Go back to school
Right, it is never too late to go back to school, whether it is to take up an additional degree, a diploma or even hobby classes. Having spent all your adult life rushing between home and office, now is the time to explore your academic interests. Interestingly, there are many senior citizens seeking undergraduate or graduate degrees around the world. In fact, some colleges have provisions for senior citizens to audit classes, whereby they attend and participate in the classes but do not take exams or receive grades. Seeking education is not only about fulfilling a desire; it is also about keeping your mind sharp.
Share knowledge
If you are not getting back to school to study, you could get back there to share the knowledge you have acquired over the years. Even if you do not have teaching experience, you could find avenues to get into the teaching fold – at school or at some institution. There are many technical institutions and even colleges, which seek out experienced folks to share their real world experiences with students in similar line of study. Companies are also known to employ career coaches or speakers to talk about their experiences. Teaching the skills that you have mastered over the years could be another option to consider.
Hobby time
With hobbies taking a backseat amidst everyday work stress, now is your chance to get back to the hobby you fostered early in life. It could be a keen interest to learn a musical instrument, a dance style or cooking. The avenues to learn or hone your skills in any particular field are immense. You could even find classes that are designed for seniors; making it easy for you to learn at the pace you want to. If learning is not your cup of tea, find other options to develop a hobby.
Be active
You may have been waiting all your life for retirement to enjoy much needed rest and relaxation, but do not let your idea of relaxation create a channel for boredom. Some form of exercise or activity level is essential at every phase of our lives. For, sitting idle is not only bad for your mental health, it is equally bad for your physical health. If mobility is an issue, find ways to ensure fitness by working out at home. Check online for a host of exercise regimens designed for seniors; your neighbourhood gym might also have facilities that cater to older citizens.
See places

Include travel on your retirement agenda to make the best use of your, seemingly, endless free time. Make a quick check of the travel industry to find out best deals and options for seniors. Look for all-inclusive packages or structured trips – like cruises – to make your travel easy and convenient. And, remember, most hotels offer discounts to senior citizens.