Teenage is the threshold of adulthood, and it is a stage in which the youth are conscious not only about their emotions but also their appearance. This is the time they experiment with makeup and skincare, as they are sensitive to skin issues occurring due to adolescence, hormonal changes, and modern habits of living and eating. However, it is never too late to start with a good skincare routine and maintain a flawless skin with affordable skincare brands. Here is some helpful information and tips that will help you maintain clear skin year-round.

First things first, identify your skin type! Knowing your skin type correctly is crucial for developing the perfect skincare routine for yourself. Skin types can be oily, normal, dry, sensitive, or combination of these, determined by the amount of sebum produced by your skin. Sebum is the oily, waxy substance produced by your body’s sebaceous glands. It coats, moisturises, and protects your skin.
- Normal skin is even toned, neither oily nor dry, and has barely visible pores. It has a balanced sebum production that keeps the skin healthy.
- Oily skin is acne-prone with visible pores and a shiny surface. This type of skin produces excessive sebum, which may sometimes lead to clogged pores.
- Dry skin is dull, patchy, parched, and sometimes itchy. Lack of sebum production and dehydration may also result in dry and flaky skin.
- Sensitive skin is when your skin has strong reactions to chemicals, dyes, and fragrances present in products that come into contact with the skin, making it look angry.
- Combination skin is when you have a mix of both oily and dry skin. People with a combination skin type often experience an oily T-zone, which includes the forehead and nose. The cheeks and chin remain dry.
The following four basic steps are the basis for any skincare routine and can be customised as per the requirements of your skin type.
- Cleansing:
Any beauty routine should always start with cleansing. No matter what your skin type is, choose a cleanser with mild ingredients that will not rip off the essential oils from your skin. Use a gentle foam-based cleanser in the morning and at night use an oil-based cleanser to get rid of the excessive sweat, makeup, dirt, or grime from the skin.
Once your face is clean, follow it up with toning, using a good quality mild toner. The toner cleans and closes the pores and rejuvenates the skin.
- Moisturising:
The next step is to moisturise your skin with a hydrating and nourishing, light moisturiser, even if you have oily skin. A moisturiser locks in all the moisture and keeping your skin healthy and prevents dryness.
- Sunscreen:
The final step in your skin care is to wear sunscreen. Whether rain or shine, wearing sunscreen is a habit you must develop in order to protect the skin from the harsh UV rays of the sun. Choose the right SPF depending on your activities; if you stay outdoors often, use sunscreen with SPF more than 35. If you spend most of your time indoors, then sunscreen with an SPF of 15 is enough.
Besides the above skincare routine, teenagers also need to pay attention to the following for Acne Control, which is a common problem with teens:
- Control oil: Since your skin is producing sebum in excess, you will want to keep down the shine without being harsh on your skin. If you are buying teen skin products for acne over the counter, be sure to read labels. Skin products that contain salicylic acid can help reduce oil. Benzoyl peroxide is another acne-fighting ingredient that works effectively but can be irritating to sensitive skin.
- Exfoliate: You need to exfoliate only once or twice a week with a relatively gentle product. Do not scrub hard and do not over-exfoliate.
- Get the right acne products: If you have breakouts, try this approach: Wash your skin, use a toner, and then apply a medicated acne gel.
- Do not share makeup: It may be very tempting to try your friend’s perfect new eye liner or that lipstick, but it is a bad idea to share eye and lip products. Be smart and get your own instead as doing so is far more hygienic.
- Keep your hands clean: You have no idea how many times we touch our face in a day. Therefore, the best way to help your skin stay healthy is to protect it from dirt and germs. Wash your hands before you touch your face or touch up your makeup and regularly clean surfaces that touch your skin, such as your phone.

- Choose the right hair products: If you have frequent breakouts near your hairline, it is possible that your hair product is causing the damage. Switch to spray hair products and use them away from your face.
- Skip the home remedies: Do not subject your skin to home remedies to control acne, like applying toothpaste on your skin. This may just make your skin worse if you are allergic to the ingredients. Use a good anti-spot product to apply on individual spots overnight.
- Talk to a doctor: Seeing a dermatologist about acne can make a huge difference, especially if you have red, pus-filled pimples or large lumps under the skin that are painful or leaving scars. These scars can stay with you for a lifetime. You might benefit from prescription cleansers and acne medication that can clear skin faster and more effectively than over-the-counter products.
- Maintain a healthy diet: Teenagers love to eat junk food which makes it difficult to maintain clear and healthy skin. It is a known fact that acne prone teenagers are likely to break out if they do not eat a balanced diet. Therefore, maintain a healthy and balanced diet. Drink plenty of water, include fruits and vegetables and cut back on the sodas and sweets.
Being a teen should be fun. Take charge of your skin care with these tips, and soon a clear complexion will put a smile back on your face.