“My tryst with the fascinating world of fashion started when I was reporting news features for the Times of India,” muses Sonu Bohra, a recognised fashion diva, whose style credentials have helped her stitch a career in the vivid world of fashion. From fashion stories in the English newspaper in India to regular fashion guides in a local daily in Muscat, Sonu found her calling as a lifestyle/fashion writer early on.
Her keen fashion sense and her proficiency in putting her fashion quotient into words won her an immediate following on social media, and she grew wings, literally, to enter the big, complex marketing horizon. Sonu is currently engaged in creating content and marketing strategies for a few designer labels and gourmet restaurants.
The journey hasn’t been all rosy, though. Sonu had to start from scratch, styling smaller shoots for Times of India’s local supplements. “From sourcing, assisting and executing…that entire phase was my learning experience. I learnt the tricks of the trade while working my way up. I soon started styling larger shoots with more popular faces. While the behind the scenes of production is less than glamorous, the final product was more than gratifying,” she recalls, as she continues wearing her style influencer garb with panache.
Over the years, her distinct style quotient has become her identity, more so among fashion addicts who know a diva when they see one. She has a natural flair for picking clothes that are flattering and true to her persona. As she says, “I don’t exactly plan my fashion and style escapades; I usually go with the flow and try to wear what I truly want to, without any baggage of approval.” But that is easy for her, as she is instinctively drawn to fashion motifs; she is also candid about her self-assured style. “I always enjoyed the idea of dressing up and conveying that particular day’s mood differently,” she quips.
Her personal style?
Although she admits it is important to have a personal preference, she finds it difficult to slot herself in a particular category. As she puts it, “Personal style is an elusive beast at best.”
“Besides, the fact that it is ever-evolving makes me also appreciate a plethora of different styles. Thanks to this constant debate in my sartorial world, I have had a few fashion epiphanies,” she states, reflectively.
Her favourite picks?
“Safe to say I’m an obsessive ‘layerer’,” she states, hastening to add that the grammatically incorrect word is more emotion in her case. “Some of my most treasured jackets/blazers are investment pieces that I think I will constantly re-wear. Like the embroidered longline jacket that I custom-made from an heirloom sari, my mom gave me. Since I don’t wear saris, this transformation was ideal for my style,” she adds.
Lately, her style has become slightly more minimalist in comparison to her other, as she puts it, ‘over the top’ style. “But I balance a plain outfit with statement pieces,” she states, referring to the elephant belt, which can become quite a conversation starter. Having said that, she admits thought that “nothing beats the effortlessness of plain white shirt.” She prefers shirts that have some fun elements in them, which make them less common.
Sonu’s fashion sense stems from her innate orientation towards creativity, which was nurtured during her early childhood. From a deep interest in music to a brief stint with art, her parents ensured that she appreciated the finer details of life. “Moving into a career of writing and journalism came to them as no surprise,” she maintains.
The home I grew up in… Bombay, now Mumbai. I was surrounded by a lot of colours, cacophony and creativity. It still is the hub for art shows and indie brands.
When I was a child I wanted to… Be more like my older sister.
My greatest inspiration… For fashion: the 70s and 80s. For life: my mom.
If I could change one thing about myself… I’d like to be a little more proactive.
I dream of… A generation less obsessed with vanity.
What I see when I look in the mirror… I have now learnt to appreciate myself. My flaws or my features are unique to me, so, when I look in the mirror, I feel content.
It’s not fashionable but I like… Breaking the rules.
You may not know it, but I’m no good at… Baking.
You may not know it, but I’m very good at… Photography.
If I have time to myself… I workout, listen to a lot of music, catch up on some Netflix.
My house is… My haven.
My favourite haunt/holiday destination… I thoroughly enjoyed my visits to Paris and London.
My favourite weekend spot in Oman… Caramel.
I will not leave my house without… Lipstick and sunblock.
Things I like about Oman… The peace, the tranquillity and the friendly nature of the people.
A book that changed me… ‘One Hundred Years of Solitude’, by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
On top of my wish/bucket list is… Travel to Japan.
My success mantra is… Patience and originality.
In 10 years’ time, I hope to be… The best version of myself.