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Strength Of A Woman

We pay tribute to the bold and beautiful spirit of women bearing amazing strength, whether in the corportate world or at home as the homemaker

There is a woman behind every successful man, claims an old clichéd saying. Whether that holds true today may be debatable, but the indisputable fact is that women have moved several paces ahead and have helped alter the very benchmark of success. They are the responsible women of today and it doesn’t really matter where they stand – behind, alongside or ahead. They know their strength and they know they can make a difference and they know just how to go about it.

Following is a tribute to women; women of strength who have made a difference and influenced the lives of our panelists. We have raised the platform, put the scaffolding in place and turned the speaker on loud… Come along and listen to all the generous words from men who believe in gender equality and in the importance of women in making the world, in general, and their lives, in particular, all the more beautiful. It is a celebration of Women’s Day as well as Arabic Mother’s Day, which is observed on March 21.

While most men we approached in the capital preferred to keep their tributes and messages private, sharing it, possibly, only with the women in their lives, we got crisp warm messages from H.E. Hamood Sangour Al Zadjali, Executive President of CBO, Dr. Wahid Ali Al Kharusi, President, Oman Cancer Association, Ali Ahmed Al Barwani, Chief Executive Officer of Oman Road Safety Association (ORSA) and Muhammad Sultan  Al Salmy, Managing Partner and Lead architect of Hoehler + alSalmy (H+S).

Women are Inspirational

H.E. Hamood Sangour Al Zadjali, Executive President of CBO, believes women are inspirational

Women and mothers in particular, are the quiet heroes in our life’s journey, who do amazing things without asking for an acknowledgement. The first thing a woman does when she becomes a mother is to forget all the pain that she has gone through and the sacrifices she has made, while she nurtures and tirelessly takes care of the tiny helpless baby.

When the world talks about honouring women, its main focus is on those who have made it big in the social and business arenas, and attempts are made to honour women through a special International Women’s Day, a global recognition of the esteemed pedestal that we place womanhood on. But there are millions of women all around the world who are truly inspirational without entering the business world. In modern times, however, it is very important that we encourage women to pursue higher levels of education in order that such traits get imbibed by our children and the society at large. We have all heard the saying, ‘teach a man and you teach an individual, but teach a woman and you teach a nation’.

I have personally felt that the women in my life, be it my mother, wife, sister, or daughter, have been and are always special to me; they are, and will continue to be, a source of inspiration to me. They are all an integral part of who I am today, and I am forever grateful for their wisdom and influence.

Women in general enjoy empowering others and bringing out their best and are always supportive and able to put aside their interests and happiness for the sake of others. God bless the women.

Women are Twice as Better

Women can do things twice as better and in half the time, states Dr. Wahid Ali Al Kharusi, President, Oman Cancer Association, as he talks about women who helped shape his life and celebrates the role played by women in our society

Women have to be celebrated every day of the year. They are the centre of our lives; the centre of our universe.

Strength Of A Woman

I have been privileged to have a wonderful mother, grandmother, aunties, sisters  and female teachers who have helped shape my life. I was lucky to have met with  my partner in life for 42 years, my wife and life Yuthar Al Rawahi, who is a pillar of  strength to the children and me – the shining light in our family. I would not have  reached where I am today, if it were not for her strength, love and guidance. She  is an icon of our society. She has, and is still touching the lives of so many people,  nationally, regionally and globally in her pioneering work in cancer control.

I strongly believe that if we are to move forward we must empower the women, because they can do better, twice as much and in half the time. In our society, some ladies have come up because they had the opportunity or they created the  opportunity by themselves to be distinguished and to be entrepreneurial, thanks  to H.M. Sultan Qaboos bin Said Al Said. He opened the doors, encouraged women  to be empowered, gave them equal rights and strategic positions within our  government.

In our Islamic faith, women have a special distinguished position in our society.  We believe that heaven is under the feet of our mothers.

Women are Changemakers

Women’s contribution to the smooth functioning of the society is immense, notes Ali Ahmed Al Barwani, Chief Executive Officer of Oman Road Safety Association (ORSA)

Women are the source of humanity, and their greatness is reflected through the roles they play in our life; they are the foundation of our lives as mothers, wives, sisters and daughters.

Personally, I see women as being perseverant in their tasks and superior in accomplishing their day-to-day works.

In Oman, women have contributed towards the Renaissance of our country. Many of those who I work with have unique characteristics in whatever they do, with a common goal in making a better future for themselves, their families and for their organisation and their nation.

From my point of view, women, in their roles as mothers, should always receive great appreciation from us; it is a must at all times. There are also women whose influence goes beyond their family and the society around them. They inspire the world; they are the change-makers and leaders. They deserve our gratitude and highest appreciation. I admire women who lead and make changes to our world.

* Ali Al Barwani comes with a wealth of experience within oil and gas industry where his career journey started as Engineer in Oman LNG’s $2 billion project in Sur.

Women are Pillars of Our Society

“It is amazing to see that more and more women are breaking the old traditional social norms and flourishing in their chosen career paths,” observes Muhammad Sultan Al Salmy, Managing Partner and Lead architect of Hoehler + alSalmy (H+S)

Women are the silent leaders of our society. It is unfortunate that they are not more frequently recognised for all the hard work they do. Whether it’s the homemaker or the CEO of a company, they are who make our society what it is today.

To me, women in general represent balance, grace and enormous strength, and they should be given credit and recognition. Why is it that when a woman celebrates her strengths, she is titled as a feminist, whereas a man doing the same thing is praised and referred to as the ideal role model? This is the challenge we have to overcome in today’s society.

It is amazing to see that more and more women are breaking the old traditional social norms and flourishing in their chosen career paths. Becoming the first policewoman director, for example, or the first women pilot is an accomplishment that would not have been possible a few years ago, especially in our society. Nowadays, an Omani woman can literally accomplish anything she sets her mind to, thanks to the guidance and leadership of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said.

Omani women are the pillars of our society. They are the first teachers of our children – the future generation; they are the hard-working contributors to the society. They represent ideal balance, and are the nurturers, who always know what to do regardless of the circumstances and challenges. They are the real fighters and survivors, going through everyday hardships that life throws at them. They make us feel safe and secure, without even realising it. That’s why a man, regardless of his strength and power, can never do what a woman does in today’s society.

Strength Of A Woman

I personally consider myself very lucky to have been raised by many strong women. I literally grew up in a house full of women who, today, I am extremely grateful for; they have taught, inspired and encouraged me every step of the way.  This would not have been possible if they weren’t so understanding and took care of everything while I was chasing my dreams. My mother, sisters, and my grandmother, in particular, have been my inspiration to be the best person I can be, and they have definitely been the force behind my work ethics and drive.

Since day one, the women in my life have always been my backbone. It is them that I go to when I need support, compassion, and guidance. They are the reason that has kept me going and made me accomplish my dreams. Whether its guidance in my professional career or support in my personal matters, they gave me the needed assistance and provided me with the much needed strength, with the added touch of compassion you would not normally get from the male members of the family, friends and colleagues.

I also meet many women through my work; and I can honestly say our office would not be the same without the women who work there. They are strategic thinkers, and very hard-working individuals. If I need a stern presence in a meeting for example, I involve the women architects and project managers! They always exceed my expectations!

* Muhammad Al Salmy was the youngest Omani Architect to establish the first of its kind cooperation in the Sultanate, at the age of 29. He solely nurtured H+S to grow from one man in 2009, to over 30 Architects, Project Managers and Engineers by 2012.


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