Heat and humidity can turn even your normal healthy hair into a frizzy crop. Besides, high humidity content in the air can turn it limp and, often, sweat and dust can aggravate problems like dandruff, split ends and also hair fall. And, surprising as it may sound, harsh summer sun can also give your scalp a sunburn. Dry scalp can further damage the roots in your scalp. As dermatologists point out, the ultraviolet rays of the sun can dry out the scalp and turn rough the normally smooth cuticle of the hair shaft.
While a shower is tempting after every trip outdoors, over-washing could prove detrimental – over washing as well as leaving the sweaty scalp unwashed for a long time could bring about an increase in hair fall. That goes for conditioning too; over conditioning or over treating to erase the summer ordeal on your crown could prove to be a big mistake.
To begin an appropriate hair care regimen and combat the signs of the season, first find out your scalp type and hair type. You need to be sure if the scalp is oily, dry or a combination and if you have dandruff, itchy scalp or any medical condition. The hair type also matters – is it straight, curly, wavy, coloured, treated, permed or ironed?
Sun protection: It may not be trendy in this part of the world to sport a hat to block the sun, but you could consider wearing a scarf; leave-in conditioner with sunscreen with a good amount of SPF is another option.
Avoid chemical treatments: It is best to go easy on treatments and save heavy colouring for the months before or after summer, as the sun could dry the scalp out and cause more damage.
Avoid irons and curlers: With summer already giving your scalp enough heat, your hair doesn’t need the added burden of styling products like iron and curlers.
Shampoo care: As we mentioned earlier, do not feel tempted to shampoo every day. Too much shampoo is known to dry the scalp. Opt for a mild shampoo if your hair tends to get greasy and sweaty at the first sign of sun. Dry shampoo could also be effective in helping you stay fresh.
Condition right: To restore moisture in your scalp and add life to it, use a rinse-out conditioner and select the one that is right for your hair type and texture.
Get a trim: Split ends and dry tips are a common occurrence. You could halt it with a new cut or an easy trim to remove the difficult ends.

Keep it tied: The best way to control the frizzy look is to keep it tied in braids, ponytail or knots.
Stay hydrated: Drinking enough water is important to also keep your scalp healthy and hydrated. Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your meals.