TEDxMuscatSalon 2019 – Time to Innercise was held recently in Muscat. TEDxMuscat has been successful in developing and binding intellectual individuals within the region. The first of its kind conference in 2011, followed by 2012 and 2013, was a catalyst in portraying different spectrum of changes needed in the thinking of the individuals. TEDxMuscat has since intensified its process of building a community with TEDxMuscat Salon events, collaborating with universities, schools and the corporate sector, thus growing in an organic methodology. It brings together a global community of people interested in exploring how change begins: with innovative thinkers motivated by ideas for action worth doing in Oman.
TEDx MuscatSalon 2019, held last month, under the theme ‘Time to Innercise’, focused on the power of using technology and shifting the thinking process in a way to influence positive change. Dr. Maryam Tubeileh was the event planner and the host. The speakers were curated by Arunraj Subbaraj who is associated with TEDGlobal as a TED Fellow.

During two 90-minute sessions, 9 speakers shared intellectual ideas and encouraged the audience to override their age, backgrounds, beliefs and opinions. They exchanged ideas from social sciences, science, technology and design, as well as relationships, personal stories and perspectives that build bridges across race, background, creed, opinion and other differences.
Although each speaker was specialised in different disciplines, their experiences in adapting technology successfully to create a positive impact in communities and bringing mind shifting ideas to the floor for greater change, was their converging focal point. The speakers managed to portray their journey in overcoming external challenges and their internal limited beliefs that they faced during their journey of success and achievement, which is aligned with this year’s theme ‘Time to Innercise’.

Commenting about the theme, Dr.Maryam Tubeileh said, “This simply means ‘it’s time to exercise the mind and internal emotions for better outcome’. It was adopted from the book, that defined ‘innercise’ as ‘ A revolutionary process using technology and evidence-based methods that will ignite and unleash human brain’s hidden power by leading to the fastest path to maximise human’s full potential, by which greatest victories and success can be achieved’.”
According to her, this edition of TEDxMuscatSalon platform aims to cultivate the mindset of entrepreneurship/intrepreneurship (members within institutes who have the mindset of change and impact) in the community of Oman. Hence, successful ideas – related to community services or with community impact, executed worldwide or locally with distinctive use of technology and paradigm methodology, were chosen.