Whether men go seeking adventure or adventure stalks men, there is a discernible connection between men and all things adventure. There are, of course, exceptions, but, generally speaking, adventure does come knocking on the doors of men (and women too) who love the outdoors and seek ways to replenish their ties with nature. Be it climbing, hiking, diving, sailing or even fishing, the thrill of being there, out in the open and experiencing nature from close quarters, has propelled many a man to reach the pinnacle of their fitness level and savour success on an adventure podium.
This issue of FACES, dedicated to men, takes a trip down the adventure path with regular articles and features that celebrate the spirit of exploration. Be it Khalid Anqoodi’s mountain climbing escapades, Murtadha Al Lawati’s stand up paddleboarding or the exciting options for game fishing, the issue is packed with stories that are inspiring and encouraging for all those who foster a sense of adventure.

There is more…especially in our ‘In the Spotlight’ section which features the work of Canadian researcher Christina van der Wal Anonby and professor of French linguistics Erik Anonby, whose in-depth grammatical description of Kumzari, a mixed language of the Musandam Peninsula, is compiled in a book titled ‘A Grammar of Kumzari, A Mixed Language of Oman’; it is due for publication early next year.
Be a Man – Gear up for a detour along the gadget trail, and revel in the games that can bring out the boy in you
Men & their Toys – Presenting gadgets and tech items to boost your spirits and up your trend quotient
Game Zone – Bring out the kid in you with these toys that have been designed to keep your spirit of boyhood alive
Enjoy FACES as you welcome November and the forthcoming National Day festivities.