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The Face Yoga Trend With Monna Cheikh

Face yoga is a series of facial exercises intended to tone the muscles in the face and is claimed to reduce signs of aging. But is there any truth to this claim? We catch up with Monna Cheikh, a certified practitioner of Face Yoga to find out the secrets behind the beauty trend.

Monna Cheikh has always been drawn to beauty and got herself certified as a cosmetologist in 2003. Just a couple of years later, she decided on getting her  bachelor’s degree and then her master’s degree, which took a fair bit longer than expected for her. “I did my master’s degree while simultaneously having three  kids, so it’s fair to say it took more than a decade. In fact, I submitted my master’s two weeks before I gave birth to my third child and defended my thesis two  weeks after, with my daughter with me in the exam. When I eventually  succeeded, it was such a big relief,”said Monna.

However, a decade can take its toll on anyone. “I was suddenly much older, with three kids, and lived in three different countries because  of my husband’s job; the latter is also the reason why we are so lucky to be here  now. With so much time having passed, my appearance had also changed. It was  then that I realised, for all these years, being as busy as I was with other things, I had  not given enough time for myself. Therfore, I decided to prioritise myself more, like I used to in the past, and go back to beauty.”

“I have never really had any skin problems, but gravity eventually will start to take over and I started to see that  happening. I had also spent so many years being stressed and busy (as I had a  checklist to complete that included having three kids and completing my master’s  degree) and I really wanted to have it all at once. After this, I wanted to rekindle my love for self-care and beauty. So, I started to look for natural alternatives and this is when I discovered Face Yoga and Gua Sha,” she said.

We caught up with Monna Cheikh to find out what exactly face yoga and Gua Sha  are and how they can help. Here is what she had to say:

I am a true believer in the power of one’s hands and that we should appreciate our  unique features and beauty – including our ‘flaws’. I stumbled over face yoga in 2019 and started to practice it. I was immediately hooked and enrolled in a program  shortly thereafter. I subsequently got certified in September 2020. Since then, many things have happened. My Instagram has grown from just 124 to over 90,000 in just four months. I am looking into starting some online courses, as the demand for them  is so great. I am loving the beautiful life here in Muscat as it is so relaxed and chilled.  I even named our cat Vibe, as Muscat’s vibe is just amazing.

Face Yoga with Monna Cheikh

What can Face Yoga do for you?

Face yoga is a series of facial exercises intended to lift, tone, and activate facial muscles to achieve a more youthful and “glowing” look. When performing face  yoga, you intentionally isolate and tone your face muscles. We have tiny, delicate  muscles in our face that we don’t usually think twice about. When I started out, I  found it fascinating that it was actually possible to exercise these face muscles just  like you would normally do for the muscles in the rest of your body. I have always  loved the active life, especially running (although I did take a break from it for a  while, but am back in business), so it made sense to me that I should also work my  face muscles. As a result, I became addicted to face yoga and the Gua Sha tool, both  of which have now become part of my daily routine together with regular face  massages from my time as a cosmetologist.

These small routines I do every day is something I enjoy very much, even more so  now thanks to the positive feedback and kind words I receive from followers on my Instagram page. It feels so good to know that I am inspiring and motivating women to believe in their natural beauty and their unique features, as well as getting them to  understand the true power of their own hands and how much they can achieve by  themselves. However, every face is different and therefore you need to adjust the  poses to your needs as well as challenges, concerns, or wishes. I always say, don’t  overdo, pull, or force it. Less is more and as long as you do it on a consistent basis,  you will eventually see results. Also, it’s all about awareness, as a facial expression such as frowning will eventually show, especially if you don’t change your daily  habits.

What is Gua Sha?

Facial Gua Sha is another massage technique, that uses a device called a Gua Sha  stone, to relieve tension in the muscles of the face and boost blood circulation. In addition, it helps break up fascia, the connective tissue that hugs facial muscles and  offers a completely different sensation than using your hands, especially when it is cold, as you can keep in fridge.

To learn more about face yoga and Gua Sha you can follow Monna Cheikh on her “Faceyoga Monna” Facebook page and on Instragram @faceyoga_monna


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