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The Formidable Bow Tie

As the festive season brought with it invites for banquets and formal dos, did you wonder which tie or bow tie to wear with your suit?

Not everyone can carry a bow tie with panache; it can seem intimidating and make you feel self- conscious, especially if you are a necktie person. But some formal occasions, like weddings, make it obligatory to wear one. Gear up for the occasion by selecting a bow tie that is perfect for it: traditional ones for formal events and stylish for a lively occasion.

Bow tie

Although there are clip on ties that take away the pressure of learning to tie one, go for the self- tied or a pre-tied one and get into the mood of the occasion. use the tie as an accessory for your favourite suit and you will not go wrong in selecting the colour and style. but do not be overly cautious with the colour of the tie, as your objective should be to match it with your suit and shirt. There is no harm in getting a tie in a contrast colour if you are willing to experiment with your look.

If its office work or business meet that requires you to sport a bow tie, it is best to keep it toned down and pick one that is in a more subtle shade of navy or grey.

Go ahead, enjoy your new look and bask in the appreciative glances thrown at you. For there is little doubt that a man who wears a bow tie has an air of sophistication about him.

Sophia Raman

A self professed lifestyle guru, Sophia Raman has honed her expertise for beauty and fashion with a natural flair for all things chic and a distinctive style quotient. She is a sophisticated socialite who brings her love for fashion, style and travel to this column. You can follow her on:

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