What a wonderful time of year it is, when we are surrounded by family members and friends, laughing, eating, chatting into the wee hours of the morning, catching up on months lost, spending time just being ourselves! What makes it sweeter is the gifts we bring each other, neatly wrapped in the prettiest of paper, with bows and ribbons to boot. These little tokens of love make us feel special, remembered, cherished. And so we repeat this every year, giving thought to what would tickle every loved one’s fancy, and picking out presents that would iterate just how much we care.
Before you go shopping for this year’s presents, may we have a moment to convince you to do something different? How about the gift of giving? It is more of an experience than it is an item or article. It is special and custom every single time. It is hard to find, but yet so easy to give, if we only make our minds.
If you’re wondering just what the gift of giving is, it is opening yourself to being charitable; to being involved in things that aren’t part of your day to day routines, such as walkathons, fundraisers; to lending your time to people in need, whether they are family or complete strangers; to being a source of grace and strength to everyone you come in contact with.
The holiday season is a great time to get into the spirit of giving. Yes, we should be giving all year round, but it is during the festivities that we are keenest to gift, and the gift of giving is more meaningful than anything we could ever buy at the store. So here are some ways to do do…
Give to the Needy

Above all else comes being charitable, for it involves the understanding of how lucky and privileged we are to have what we have and to be able to share it with those who need it the most. There are a number of charitable organisations we can make contributions to, such as the UNHCR’s initiatives to rehabilitating refugees, the many non-profits that help bring safe living conditions, education and opportunities to children around the world, natural calamity relief funds, and shelters for animals and strays, among many others.
Give your Presence

How many times have you uttered the words ‘I am busy’ in the year that’s gone by? Life is tough and there are a million things to do within 24 hours, and as awful as it seems, our loved ones, friends and families bear the brunt of our busy schedules. So, instead of getting your family presents, turn off your phone, stow away your laptop, take a few days off, and just be with your family. Give them the gift of your time, and they will be ever grateful for it.
Give an Experience

We don’t mean buying your friends and family holidays or stays at resorts, though if you are able to, please go ahead by all means. But in addition, gift them an experience that is truly tailor-made based on the interests you share. Make some sandwiches and go on a picnic on the beach; take someone to the Opera, a movie or play that they have been wanting to watch; go bowling or enjoy some adventure sports together; or simply stay home and cook a feast and bake some cake together.
Give your Expertise

Every one of us is exceptionally good at something, and as a thank-you to the many people who’ve presented us with opportunities to upskill or climb our career ladders, there’s nothing better than paying it forward. Give your expertise in the way of mentoring programs, tutoring kids who are struggling at school, helping young men and women to apply for college and job applications and taking junior staff in your workplace under your wing.
Give Yourself

We don’t mean give yourself to others. You’re doing enough of that if you’re following the above steps. We mean give yourself time to unwind. Give yourself the pleasure of the company of your near and dear ones. Give yourself sleep and rest. Give yourself health by eating well, exercising, meditating and practicing mindfulness. Give yourself healthcare when needed. Give yourself a chance to learn new things by reading and listening. And most importantly, give yourself the opportunity to be more than just your job, or the many roles you fulfil on the daily.